Social Protection


The consultancy consisted of making a documentary review of the project, carrying out 2 workshops in the city of El Alto and 2 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra with young beneficiaries of the project, and carrying out the evaluation of the project based on the criteria of (i) relevance; (ii) effectiveness, (iii) efficiency; (iv) sustainability; e (v) impact.

Ricerca e Cooperazione
Fecha Inicio:
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External Intermediate Evaluation of the AECID Agreement 10-CO1-044: "Agreement on Migration and Development and capacity building for social and productive development Bolivia-Ecuador and Spain", evaluation carried out in 15 dioceses in Bolivia and Ecuador, applying the criteria of (i) relevance; (ii) effectiveness; (iii) efficiency; (iv) sustainability; e (v) impact. The evaluation was developed with a Project Cycle approach, a rereading and analysis of the Logical Framework Matrix was made, a participatory evaluation was made seeking to involve all the participating actors, a context analysis was made and the Lessons Learned were identified . The instruments that were applied for the development of the evaluation were: (i) Semi-structured and in-depth interviews; (ii) workshops with rights holders and holders of obligations; (iii) CAP survey; and (iv) stakeholder analysis using the Net-Map methodology.

Caritas Bolivia
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Final evaluation of the Project "Best Practices in the Care of Newborn, Girls and Boys under 5 years" carried out in 24 municipalities of 6 departments (La Paz, Chuquisaca, Potosí, Cochabamba, Tarija and Santa Cruz), using the LQAS methodology in a sample of 1,368 households for the realization of quantitative studies and the methodology of the Kiviat Star for qualitative studies. The evaluation was based on the five evaluation criteria used by the OECD and the European Commission (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability). Includes aspects related to food security.

Plan Internacional Inc. Bolivia
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Support in the final evaluation of the project "Protecting the Rights of Children in Bolivia and Institutionalization of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents in the Municipality of El Alto. The evaluation was made based on the five evaluation criteria used by the European Commission: (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability).

Fecha Inicio:
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Qualitative evaluation study of the child care program (PAN) in Bolivia. In-depth interviews were conducted with government representatives and main cooperation agencies that intervene or intervened in the program, and workshops were held to validate lessons learned and on institutional adjustments with a view to a possible new wide-ranging operation by the Bank. The main objectives of the project are food security and early childhood development.

Fecha Inicio:
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Guidelines and proposals were formulated for the implementation of socio-educational measures and attention programs for adolescents with criminal responsibility, as instruments to materialize Restorative Justice as it is set out in the new Child, Adolescent and Girl Code. The document review, systematization and analysis of institutional experiences (PIDICS, QALAUMA, SUMA QAMASIÑA, CENVICRUZ, PROPOSAL MODEL OF UNICEF, CEAs and others) and similar experiences in Peru, Brazil, Italy, Spain, among others, were made. A survey of primary information was carried out through interviews with key actors, a proposal for intervention (bio-psycho-social) with a restorative approach was elaborated, proposals for programs for orientation and reintegration centers were prepared.

ProgettoMondoMovimentoLaici Latin America
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A proposal for a Post-graduation Five-Year Plan was developed with the purpose of implementing support measures and carrying out an adequate follow-up to the process of social reintegration of adolescents who served a sentence of deprivation of liberty; a situational diagnosis was made of adolescents with criminal responsibility who remain in detention centers dependent on SEDEGES and Qalauma determining profiles of adolescents with criminal responsibility through interviews and focus groups; a mapping of the actors involved in the community network was done; an institutional diagnosis of the current capacities of SEDEGES and Qalauma was made; there was a systematization of experiences in other countries in relation to alternative measures and post-prison programs.

ProgettoMondoMovimentoLaici América Latina
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The best mechanism of formal articulation of the National Network of Social Services REDNAGES was established from the analysis of the legislation, current regulations and jurisprudence as well as the competence framework. Drafts of the necessary documentation were prepared for the management of legal personality and the critical path to be followed was established.

Fecha Inicio:
Fecha Fin:

External Intermediate Evaluation of the AECID Agreement 10-CO1-044: "Agreement on Migration and Development and capacity building for social and productive development Bolivia-Ecuador and Spain", evaluation carried out in 15 dioceses in Bolivia and Ecuador, applying the criteria of (i) relevance; (ii) effectiveness; (iii) efficiency; (iv) sustainability; e (v) impact.

Caritas Bolivia
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Study on the cost of functioning of the DNA and administrative legal study of the powers and attributions conferred to the SEDEGES. Systematization and documentation of the Community Promoters strategy as a mechanism for universal access to the defense and protection of the rights of children, adolescents and the consolidation of DNAs, identifying good practices, lessons learned, institutional impact and impact on the community.

Fecha Inicio:
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Compilation and systematization of statistical information on the number of pregnant and lactating women registered in the health centers during the 2014 administration, by monthly and municipal disaggregation, in the municipalities of Poroma, Zudañez, Mojocoya, Icla, Sopachuy and Tarabuco in Chuquisaca; Padcaya, Yunchará and Entre Ríos in Tarija; Puerto Rico, Gonzalo Moreno, San Lorenzo, Sena and Villa Nueva in Pando.

Fecha Inicio:
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Comparative measurement of the effectiveness, costs and expenses of custodial measures, alternative measures to the deprivation of liberty (in an open environment) and the alternative model of Restorative Juvenile Justice. An analysis was made of the results of studies evaluating the cost-efficiency between deprivation of liberty and alternative measures to deprivation of liberty that have been carried out in Bolivia or in other countries; information was systematized on the budgets (costs and expenses) of the different programs (open or closed) applied to adolescents in conflict with the law; a cost-benefit analysis of the alternatives was made; Public policies and programs were proposed to implement the most efficient measures.

Ministry of Justice
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A situational analysis of the rights to education and protection of children (ASDN) existing in secondary sources has been carried out, taking as a framework the Institutional Strategic Plan of Fundación Interdada Intervida / EDUCO Bolivia. The following tasks were carried out: i) documentary bibliographic review, ii) survey of criteria and opinions through consultation with experts and specialists; iii) visit to specialized institutions in the field of Children and Adolescents and iv) systematic analysis of information.

INTERVIDA private foundation
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Baseline survey for the Project: Harmony and Knowledge among Women and Men by the DSDR and Protection. A survey was applied to 1,596 girls, boys, adolescents and young people from 10 to 24 years old; self-administered survey of 1,596 girls, boys, adolescents or young people; conducting focus groups with students of both sexes; application of interviews to student leaders, representatives of municipal governments, SLIMs, DNAs, health services, educational units and project managers. The study was developed in 14 rural municipalities of La Paz, Potosí, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Santa Cruz.

Plan International Inc. Bolivia
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The objectives reached at the time of the evaluation were analyzed with respect to the foreseen in the Conceptual Framework; analyzed the results achieved in terms of capacity development for the conduction, coordination, management and execution of the Communities in Solidarity Program (PCS); The following aspects of execution were analyzed: harmonization, alignment, predictability of disbursements, capacity to generate dialogue; the criteria of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact were evaluated; the following transversal themes were evaluated: governance for development, gender equality, environment and climate change, rights and diversities approach.

Lux Development
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The information was collected to prepare the study. An "Implementation Plan of the Family Group Strengthening Program in care and education of children aged zero to three years was prepared." Initial education in a non-school community family. Said Plan has the description of: (i) the Legal Mandate to which it responds; (ii) its Objectives; (iii) the target population of the Program; (iv) principles and approach of the Plan; (v) lines of action; and (vi) a Sectoral Education Program, which in turn includes a matrix of Logical Framework, with the breakdown of the respective Objectives, Results, Activities and Budget.

Ministry of Education
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The study, Preparation and validation of a Guide for the Development of Social Skills for the Social Reintegration of adolescents with criminal responsibility in the country, within the framework of the project "An Opportunity to Start Over", contemplated: (i) the elaboration of a matrix of similar experiences and methodologies; (ii) preparation of a diagnosis in which the areas / components that are necessary to work with adolescents were identified; (iii) Elaborated guide, including a Guide for the Facilitator and a Guide for the participant; and (iv) Methodological proposal for the validation of the Guide.

Save the Children
Fecha Inicio:
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Eleven instruments for the collection of primary information were applied to: Adolescents of the Cometa Center, parents of mothers of adolescents who remain deprived of liberty in the comet center and authorities and justice operators. Interviews and focus groups were applied. Among the instruments applied, surveys of knowledge of skills and practices on CNNA and restorative justice (applied to justice authorities, fathers and mothers), 2 questionnaires to measure the level of social skills of the adolescents of the Cometa center. In addition to the quantification of the baseline value, 3 complementary reports were issued: i) psychological report based on the results of the social skills questionnaires; ii) report identifying the profile of adolescent offenders of the Cometa center; iii) report on the level of knowledge of parents about the legal regulations under which their children are judged, these complementary reports have the function of providing more information to the project in order to adjust their intervention.

Save the Children
Fecha Inicio:
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The systematization and evaluation of the implementation process of the first longitudinal survey in Paraguay was carried out and the results were socialized. Interviews were applied to officials, focus groups, two field visits were made to Asunción - Paraguay.

Organization of Ibero-American States OEI
Fecha Inicio:
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Diagnosis of the structure, institutionality and procedures of the Solidarity and Social Protection Fund for the Reduction of Extreme Poverty in Honduras, mapping of actors and processes applying the Net-Map methodology, evaluation of more than 20 projects and emergency interventions, applying the OECD approach, in various areas: creation of healthy housing and improvement of living conditions, social housing, conditional cash transfers, school feeding and complementary feeding for vulnerable populations; support to entrepreneurs through training, provision of means of production and microcredit; generation of employment and emergency employment; reactivation of the agricultural sector through productive credit and productive investment, among the main ones. Identification of achievements, risks and challenges for the Fund in terms of its structure and procedures and in terms of the various interventions.

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Honduras (SEFIN) - BID
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This project sought to improve access to justice for adolescents with criminal responsibility; qualitative and quantitative terms have been established for the status of the Project indicators at the end of the project, making a comparison with the situation observed in the baseline, for which a social skills questionnaire was applied to adolescents and a questionnaire of social interaction skills for educators, focus groups were made with adolescents and parents of adolescents in criminal situations and several interviews with CRS Cometa team, judges, prosecutors, public defenders, SEDEGES among others; A systematization of the Project was developed, applying the following systematization axis: Antecedents of the project, components of the intervention, opening of an alternative education center, development of social skills, reporting on juvenile criminal justice, family strengthening, family research, strengthening of capabilities of criminal justice system operators and lessons learned.

Save the Children
Fecha Inicio:
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Elaboration of curricular design and content guides for facilitators as well as participants of the diploma course; This has been addressed to officials of Children's Advocates, SLIM's, Police, Health Center staff of Municipalities, with a duration of 4 months, one module per month, the modules designed were: (i) Theoretical framework; (ii) Sexual and Reproductive Health - Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights; (iii) Gender and depatriarcalisades; and (iv) Protection and prevention of violence.

CIES / Plan Internacional Inc.
Fecha Inicio:
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Systematization of the menstrual hygiene management project in two municipalities of the department of Beni (San Andrés and San Javier) applying the following systematization axis: Logical framework of the project, results and advances, projections, challenges, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations. Information was collected in 2 educational units (EU) where the complete intervention was made and in 2 EU where only material was distributed, a total of 21 semi-structured interviews were applied to directors, teachers and mothers of families; 12 in-depth interviews with girls and adolescents; and 8 group interviews with boys and girls.

Fecha Inicio:
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Design, planning, organization and execution of workshops for the collection of oral traditions and ancestral knowledge with 5th grade students. Secondary year in the 13 municipalities of implementation of the Titicaca Lake Project, validation of the critical route and methodology of promotion of dissemination materials for the organization of the annual contest of oral tradition in the 13 municipalities implementing the Project; diagramming of two textbooks with the stories compiled, adaptation of 6 stories to radio format, in Spanish and Aymara; preproduction, production and postproduction of radial wedge in Spanish and Aymara; preproduction, production and postproduction of three short videos based on compiled stories; design of an application for Smartphone that allows to see photographs of the archaeological heritage in the area of implementation of the Project; systematization of the experience, following as axis the life cycle of the consultancy, formulation of lessons learned and good practices.

Belgian Technical Cooperation
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(i) Creation of a set of baseline data, indicators and intermediate indicators; (ii) Creation of an Information Collection / Monitoring System; (iii) Improvement / development of data collection tools, such as participant surveys, trainers, knowledge transfer surveys, etc.

Mancala Consultores
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Climate Landscape Analysis  for Children (CLAC) methodology application to analyze the art state, knowledge gaps, public policies and public policies implementation gaps regarding the Climate Change effects on the girls, boys and adolescents rights and their families in La Paz, El Alto, Independencia, Cochabamba, Puerto Villarroel, Chimoré, Montero, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Gonzalo Moreno and Cobija.

Fecha Inicio:
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Study to identify the impacts generated by the sugarcane production chain on children in specific territories, beyond child labor, in order to build evidence and strategies to promote comprehensive respect for the children and adolescents rights in the influence area of  this productive agricultural activity.

Fecha Inicio:
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Final evaluation of the Project: "Harmony and Knowledge between Women and Men for Sexual Rights, Reproductive Rights and Protection", applying the evaluation  criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, by applying a survey to 1.000 men leaders and women leaders trained in the project framework and children and adolescents beneficiaries of replicas, interviews with representatives of municipal governments, SLIMs, DNAs, health services, educational units and project technic personal. The study was developed in 14 rural municipalities of La Paz, Potosí, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Santa Cruz.

Plan International Inc.
Fecha Inicio:
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Comprehensive intervention strategy for adolescents and young people who are survivors and/or at risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation, based on the articulation of the integral models Manq'a and "Vuela Libre". Identification of the Manq'a and "Vuela Libre" models, conducting in-depth interviews with key informants, process diagramming,  preliminary strategy preparation, preliminary strategy validation with personnel from Manq'a, Munasim Kullakita Foundation and the "Vuela Libre" movement, follow-up to the strategy pilot implementation with a group of 45 female adolescent beneficiaries, preparation of training and awareness modules on gender, masculinities and CSEC, for Manq'a facilitators, students from Manq'a schools and private entrepreneurs networks

Munasim Kullakita Foundation - ICCO cooperation
Fecha Inicio:
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The consultancy involved: (i) Follow-up at the experience exchange process between "Vuela Libre" and Manq'a; (ii) Preparation of instruments for the intervention strategy implementation, these were: a) Committee Regulations; b) Early warning protocol; c) Module on gender, masculinity and CSEC prevention for Manq'a teaching staff; d) Module on gender, masculinity and CSEC prevention for students; e) CSEC and gender prevention module for private companies; and (iii) Final strategy proposal based on the adjustments of the validation process and monitoring the selection process.

Manq'a sustainable civil society - ICCO Cooperation
Fecha Inicio:
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Systematization and complementation of 10 proposals for the incidence in public policies elaborated from a critical reading on development and the vulnerability situation  of indigenous peoples, women and children, among others, within the framework of the project: "Adding voices, multiplying actions: the CSOs as actors in sustainable development and policies" which has the European Union support. The work was based on the preliminary public advocacy proposals made in previous project stages, in addition to the documents resulting from 13 participatory diagnoses carried out in different municipalities, 6 thematic studies and several multi-stakeholder political forums, carried out at the national and departmental levels.

Fecha Inicio:
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Design and execution of the baseline of the project "Young people in action: strengthening the social participation of youth for the development of public policies that guarantee Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Bolivia", for which semi-structured interviews have been applied to key informants (GAM staff, teaching staff and directors of educational units, health personnel and social communicators) and two surveys of more than 1,300 informants, (i) one of adolescents and young people between 16 and 28 years of age and (ii) another to people over 28 years of age.


Fecha Inicio:
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Base Line of the Project: Guaranteeing the exercise of the right to a free of violence's life of women from the personal, social, economic and political empowerment in La Paz and Chuquisaca (Bolivia), for which was applied a survey to about 600 women and about 400 men over 17 years of age, in addition, individual and collective interviews were applied to female authorities, women who used care services in cases of violence, technical personnel of the GAMs and of the entities that are part of the protection system against all types of violence (SLIM, DNA, FELCV, prosecutor's office), in addition to reviewing data from secondary sources such as the 2018 Survey on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women, and others.


Fecha Inicio:
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A survey was applied to a sample of 697 families living in 46 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, life's means and coping strategies, was complemented with semi-structured interviews with municipal technicians, community representatives and focus groups with the target population.

World Food Program - WFP
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Carrying out (i) an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA); (ii) a Market Functionality Study (MFI); and (iii) a rapid analysis of Gender, Protection and Communication, in three regions of the country: (i) municipalities near Lake Poopó in the department of Oruro; (ii) municipalities of the Chaco region in Tarija and Chuquisaca; and (iii) municipalities of the "Multiethnic Indigenous Territory II (TIM II) in the departments of Pando and Beni; for which, a food security survey was applied to 1,406 families in 104 communities, a market functionality survey to 400 merchants and representatives of fairs/markets in 10 municipal seats and 6 focus groups with women and men separately, distributed in the three study regions.

World Food Program - WFP
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To develop this diagnosis, we will develop a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, this means that we will use both quantitative data sources (survey of people with HIV, statistical data from secondary sources), as well as to qualitative information sources (semi-structured interviews with key informants, in-depth interviews to obtain life stories, review of previous studies and news on the problem); The diagnostic approach will foresee different coordination mechanisms with institutions involved in the subject to reach the target population and pertinent documentation, as well as safeguard mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality of the information and the privacy of the informants. We also propose a multidisciplinary team, led by (i) an expert in research, monitoring and evaluation in the health sector, with extensive experience in HIV, sexual rights, reproductive rights and populations in situations of vulnerability, with the support of (ii ) a quantitative research specialist; (iii) a qualitative research specialist; and two expert advisors (Backstopping) on specific issues, (iv) one on a gender approach; and (v) an expert in working with populations in situations of extreme vulnerability (street population, in a situation or survivors of commercial sexual violence).

HIVOS people unlimited
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Survey of 828 mothers of children 5 years of age or younger, on the conditions in which they work/study, according to age, educational level, work characteristics and time dedicated to work, in order to know the demand for health services. care and training needs of women to design training programs or improve existing ones and thus promote gender equality.

United Nations Development Program UNDP
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The mid-term evaluation of the Enfócate Project in Bolivia has had the opportunity to collect different perceptions, assessments and experiences of adolescents and young women and men, Plan International Inc. staff, staff of partner organizations, civil society organizations and duty bearers about the project, in three places (Calamarca, Porongo and Santa Cruz de la Sierra). The mid-term evaluation shows that the project started months before the Covid-19 pandemic, which was a major obstacle, reduced financial resources and the possibility of actions for its implementation. The actions of the project were restructured, through the development and execution of contingency plans. The mid-term evaluation observed that among adolescents and young people there is a profile of knowledge, attitude and behavior on the issues addressed by the project, such as sexual and reproductive rights, gender and gender roles (inequality) and the fight against gender-based violence. . The profile is characterized by a gradual empowerment based on their DSDR, a position against teenage pregnancy, its consequences and responsibilities; their conduct is interpellative in the family, educational and community spheres.

Plan International Inc. Bolivia
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Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) applying the WFP protocol for this type of assessment (CARI methodology), in the municipality of Entre Ríos (Tarija) in communities that were affected by a large-scale flood on the night of February 20 2022. Application of a survey to 196 households in 11 affected communities, obtaining the institutional indicators of the WFP, analysis of food consumption, diversity of diet, food expenditure, survival strategies and the situation of vulnerability to food insecurity of the affected families.

World Food Program - WFP
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Technical support in the redesign and elaboration of the Girl, Boy and Adolescent Plan "Building a better world" and the Municipal Program, within the framework of the Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development to live well, projected from 2021 to 2025, aimed at the municipality of La Paz . The objective of the contract was to provide technical support to the GAMLP in: (i) the preparation of the baseline of: “Comprehensive emergency service for early childhood in La Paz in a thousand colors! For the common good!”; (ii) the redesign of the Girl, Boy, Adolescent Plan “Building a Better World” 2021-2025; and (iii) the preparation of the five-year plan for the Program for Attention to Populations in Situations of Social Risk, 2021-2025, for which interviews and workshops were held with GAMLP officials, the "Tree of problems" methodology was applied. and it also facilitated the tables related to care for children and the population in a situation of social risk, in the Human and Social Development Forum for the preparation of the Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development 2021-2025 of the GAMLP.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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An investigation has been developed, based on a survey of 860 women and 721 men, on empowerment, autonomy in decision-making, economic autonomy, on eating habits and healthy living, in addition to 12 focus groups, 6 with women and 6 with men, distributed in urban and rural areas of three ecological floors (Altiplano, Valleys and Amazonia); With these data, and from the construction of logit and OLS econometric models, it was possible to identify the main causal relationships between the main gender gaps and the probability of suffering from undernutrition, overweight-obesity and double burden of malnutrition in a combined way. women and men separately and in a comparative way.

World Food Program - WFP
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Systematization developed at the national level, of projects, programs, policies, regulations and experiences in general aimed at supporting the economic autonomy of women, a survey was applied to more than 1,500 women and their male partners in the ten main cities of the country, a a survey of women receiving experiences to support their economic autonomy, the ten municipal governments of the main cities of the country were interviewed, semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants from the public sector, cooperation and civil society organizations, in addition to collect and operate a significant amount of secondary information, from PTDIs, municipal budgets and other sources.

United Nations Development Program - UNDP
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A survey was applied to 306 women over 18 years of age and their male partners in Cochabamba and Colcapirhua, and the database of a previous baseline raised in the city of El Alto, from a survey applied to 275 women and their partners, was used. men, a survey was also applied to 111 women users of SLIMs, semi-structured interviews were applied to key actors, and secondary source information was managed; all the information was systematized in a Baseline Matrix, structured according to the logical structure of the project.

Alliance for Rights, Equality and Solidarity Foundation - AECID
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Project's final evaluation applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the intervention, field visits were made to the target communities (Tumusa, Cochiri, Colquechata, Azupaca and Chanca), collective interviews and review of the documentation and means of verification developed during execution.

AYNI Civil Association
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The "We are on Time" project consisted of an "edutainment" intervention that, through the transmission of the radio story "Calicanto" and various complementary activities, has sought to contribute in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy and to reduce different expressions of gender-based violence; For the systematization, an average of 10 semi-structured interviews were applied to radio story listeners, mothers/fathers and institutional actors in each of the 8 "coalitions" in the municipalities of El Alto, Challapata, Llallagua, Cochabamba, Sucre, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Puerto Suárez and Puerto Quijarro, in addition to an extensive review of documentation generated by the Project throughout its implementation; A documentary video was produced that reflects the main results of the implementation and the final document was designed for printing.

CIES Sexual and Reproductive Health / PCI Media
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Diagnosis about knowledge, attitudes and practices related to Covid-19 in merchants and service providers in dense areas of the city of La Paz (Plaza Equino, Alonso de Mendoza, Garita de Lima, Max Paredes) and El Alto (La Ceja, D1 ), for which a survey was applied to 300 grassroots community actors and leaders, as well as semi-structured interviews with technicians from Municipal Governments, and a georeferenced inventory of community resources in these areas was developed.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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The final evaluation of the Project was developed in the final phase of execution, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, replicability, scalability and impact, in addition to identifying learned lessons and good practices, on the way to the execution of the second phase; semi-structured individual and collective interviews were carried out, field visits were made to communities of the Project of the 4 sub-stations where it was executed; Titiri, Queojo, Kellu Kasa and Palcoyu, the field evaluation mission was closed with a workshop to present the first findings with the participation of all interested parties in San Pedro de Macha

Tomás Katari Polytechnic Institute TKPI - Liechtenstein Development Service (LDS)
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Consultancy: Preparation of a study "Digital gap: childhood, adolescence and women" in the territories of Amazonia, Chaco Tarijeño and San Lucas (Chuquisaca), applying an adaptation of the methodology that was implemented in 2008 in Spain with data from 31 countries to calculate the SIGTIC index (System of Gender and ICT Indicators), for which a survey was applied to more than 700 people over 15 years of age and semi-structured interviews were applied to specialists and local authorities to deepen the qualitative interpretation of the data.

Aid in action Bolivia AeA
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External evaluation of the project: "RESTAURARTE - Training and Responsibility for Social Reintegration", the model suggested by the OECD, the European Union and almost all international cooperation organizations was applied based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact , The Project consisted in the implementation of a socio-educational restorative model that benefited more than 500 young people and adolescents of both sexes deprived of liberty in the Qalauma center and Social Reintegration Centers for teenagers, it consisted in the implementation of three technical training specialties (carpentry , mechanical metal and leather goods), in addition to the specialty of Art and Culture, which allowed the formation of technical skills in this population but also the implementation of marketing processes and social reintegration plans.

LED Liechtenstein cooperation
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A diagnosis of the needs of Fundación La Paz was carried out for the preparation of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028, and the projection of the multi-year budget; for this purpose, interviews and workshops were carried out, as well as a documentary review.

La Paz Foundation
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An evaluation was carried out of the Decentralized Sustainable Urban Sanitation Program (PSSDU), which consisted of a demonstration project carried out in the Guadalupe II COFADENA neighborhood of the municipality of Montero and in the La Amistad neighborhood of the municipality of Cobija, between 2018 and 2023 by UNICEF with financing from the Swedish embassy in Bolivia, reaching a total of 126 families benefited with Family Sanitary Modules (MOSAFA) and a much larger population with actions for Hygiene Promotion, Menstrual Hygiene Management, protection and prevention of violence, and adaptation to climate change, at the neighborhood and educational unit level. To this end, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was applied (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, as well as scalability, replicability and gender and equity approaches), applying a survey to 47 families targeted by MOSAFA, individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review.

Fecha Inicio:
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Evaluation of the project “Support to indigenous communities in the Bolivian Amazon to adapt to climate change” implemented by OXFAM and its partners: IPDRS and CIPCA, in the municipalities of Sena and Puerto Rico in the department of Pando; the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact) for which individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review were applied.

Fecha Inicio:
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Evaluation of the Vuela Libre Movement project, for a childhood free of commercial sexual violence in Bolivia; with the objective of identifying the main advances achieved in the periods 2017 - 2020 and 2021 - 2023, promoting the strengthening of institutional capacities and providing elements for greater effectiveness and efficiency in project management. To this end, a methodology based on the six OECD-DAC criteria was implemented, applying quantitative tools (survey of 58 recipient NAs and review of a sample of 47 NA folders attended by the project) and qualitative tools (semi-structured individual and collective interviews, document review).

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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A systematization of the experiences was carried out: (i) Reintegration process of children and adolescents from foster care centers under the implementation of the reintegration route; (ii) Formation process of a substitute family in SEDEGES; (iii) Assignment process of a substitute family within the SIPPROINA System; and (iv) Implementation of the prevention program in the Municipality of El Alto; as part of the systematization products, 3 audiovisual products of approximately 5 minutes each were produced; for this purpose, the documentation generated by the project was reviewed and semi-structured interviews were applied to key informants.

SOS Children's Villages
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Evaluation of the DAC Project "Dialogue and Collaborative Support" which aimed to promote that the key issues for the development of Bolivia are addressed from a democratic spirit and of shared responsibility between the State, civil society, the private sector and academia, thanks to the development of innovative solutions; in this sense, the DAC Project financed development initiatives of 49 CSOs throughout the country. For the development of the evaluation, the following criteria were considered: (i) Pertinence and relevance; (ii) Effectiveness, efficiency and impact; (iii) Coherence; (iv) Incidence and sustainability; (v) Knowledge management and communication; (vi) Prospective; an exhaustive review of the documentation generated by the Project and its M&E system was carried out, semi-structured individual and collective interviews were conducted with key informants and the target population, and field visits were made to initiatives in El Alto, Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca.

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An evaluation of the project "Contribute to the full exercise of the social, economic and political rights of 226 women leaders of the municipality of Calamarca, with gender equality and promoting environmentally sustainable productive initiatives, in line with goals 5.4 and 5.5 of SDG 5. File GN 11 1458 2020 66" was carried out considering the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, for which semi-structured interviews were applied to the project implementing team, to Bartolina authorities, to the mayor and municipal officials of the Calamarca GAM, to the technical team that participated in the project, field visits and interviews were carried out with the target population, in addition to reviewing the project documentation and the respective means of verification; The project has been relevant in socially, politically and economically strengthening the Bartolina Sisa central and sub-central plants at the municipal level, as well as productive associations, and has promoted economic recovery and adaptation to climate change in the territory.

AYNI civil association
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The evaluation was carried out using the OECD DAC criteria, and placing emphasis on (i) analyzing the approaches adopted by the project in each of the three countries of intervention; (ii) evaluating the different modes of intervention and complementarity in the three countries; and (iii) evaluating the added value and impact generated by the studies and research developed within the framework of the project. To this end, semi-structured interviews were applied to key informants and the target population in the three countries, and field visits were made in Cusco - Peru.

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The evaluation was developed using the OECD DAC criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), for which interviews were conducted with the project coordinator, SEDES staff, municipal officials, health personnel and the target population of the implementation (female users of health services and adolescent students) and the indicator matrix of the Project, its Baseline and the respective verification means were reviewed. The Project has contributed to improving health care with an intercultural approach, especially aimed at indigenous women in the three municipalities of intervention, as well as to improving health care conditions and service coverage; however, there is a risk that the effects achieved will be diluted due to the high staff turnover and the reduced municipal resources that are allocated to investment in the health sector.

Doctors of the World
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Support in the preparation of the final evaluation report “With Good Reason: Fighting and preventing the most degrading, cruel and inhuman forms of torture and other ill-treatment of the population deprived of liberty, particularly women and adolescents, in Bolivia and Honduras.” Based on the information gathered through semi-structured interviews and documentary review, support was provided in the preparation of the final evaluation report and in the process of reflection regarding the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation; the document was structured based on the criteria of the OECD DAC (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), in addition to the criteria of visibility, communication, feasibility and replicability; the Project was relevant in terms of contributing to the visibility of the problem of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment against populations deprived of liberty and it was possible to activate the national mechanisms for the prevention of torture in Bolivia and Honduras, however, structural factors persist that limit a greater impact of the actions, as well as the sustainability of the effects.

Marco Villarroel - Progettomondo
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A shock-responsive social protection strategy has been designed in El Salvador, for which a collection of the necessary information has been made to understand the country's situation in terms of its capacity to respond to shocks. Interviews and workshops have been held with State actors to achieve a common vision about what is expected of a system of this type. A three-week field mission has been carried out in which a variety of meetings and interviews were held with institutional actors, who participate in the risk management, early warning, social protection, conditional transfers and other processes that make up and/or influence the PSRCH system. With all the inputs, the strategy has been developed, considering the following dimensions: (i) Necessary regulations, (ii) institutional structure, (iii) governance, (iv) roles and responsibilities of the different institutions, (v) direction, (vi) administration, (vii) financing, (viii) technology, (ix) data, (x) change management and (x) human resources.

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An analysis was made in the office of the 2023 management database of product offerers for the subsidies administered by SEDEM, as well as the regulations for the direct contracting of products for subsidies (RA SEDEM / GG / No. 137/2023) was analyzed, finally, a theoretical framework was developed regarding price setting in different scenarios according to economic theory; In this sense, the study concluded that the formula for calculating fixed prices for the acquisition of products from the different subsidies is adequate, but two adjustments were suggested, related to the homogenization of the initial data series (bidder prices) and the final calibration of the reference price, averaging it with the observable market price.

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The study was designed based on a process of problematization, identification of problems, questions and research objectives; an Analysis Plan Matrix (MPA) was constructed, from which the data collection instruments were designed; a field operation was carried out in 92 municipalities of the 9 departments of the country, interviewing 207 municipal protection and health workers, and more than 250 women and adolescents with disabilities were surveyed; dashboards were developed to visualize results; finally, a presentation and discussion of the results was made with the EDUCO team.

EDUCO Bolivia
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A satisfaction survey was applied to 5,174 women beneficiaries of the following subsidies: (i) prenatal; (ii) breastfeeding; and (iii) universal for life; the survey form was programmed in KoBo and linked to a QR code, with which the beneficiary women were able to fill out the questionnaire autonomously in the same SEDEM agencies when picking up their packages; subsequently, the database was consolidated, cleaned and operated, and the results were presented through dashboards designed in Power Bi and a presentation designed in Canva.

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This model was developed based on the ECO2 Model, addressing the structural barriers faced by the Foundation's target population. The Model is the result of a labor market study; a study was made of business demand and the recovery of the Foundation's trajectory within the framework of the inclusion of socially disadvantaged young people. The proposal of a system of inter-institutional, inter-sectoral and intergovernmental networks was considered, where each unifying entity - such as the private sector chambers, SEDEM, the Ministry of Labor and other public sector portfolios and civil society organizations and institutions - become strategic intermediaries to contribute to changing the current situation of youth unemployment, in general, and unemployment and abandonment of young people in situations of social disadvantage in particular.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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This guide has been prepared for the Comprehensive Prevention and Protection Program for Girls, Boys and Adolescents (PPPINNA) of the Departmental Service of Social Policies (SEDEPOS) dependent on the Autonomous Departmental Government of Santa Cruz (GADSC). This guide is oriented to the comprehensive care of Girls, Boys and Adolescents living on the streets, focusing its implementation on three main components: (i) Street work, identification and contact; (ii) Community and protection spaces, which include markets and civil society organizations; and (iii) Listening House - Living Space. This guide provides care tools for each component, strengthening the work of the PPPINNA based on the recovery of its experience and the expertise of the Munasim Kullakita Foundation.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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It supported the preparation of systematization documents for the project implemented in the municipalities of El Alto, Oruro and Sucre, identifying the most important elements of the initial situation (initial problem, theory of change), of the implementation itself (main results, limiting factors, facilitating factors) and of the final situation (significant changes, effects and impacts on the target population and at the institutional level, lessons learned and good practices); the project had important effects in a differentiated way in each municipality, highlighting the benefits generated by the therapeutic spaces for women and children victims of violence, and also for men who generate violence, as well as the processes of technical training and economic empowerment.

Marco Villarroel - Get Up Woman Foundation
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