Urban mobility and transport


Impact Evaluation of the public transport system in the city of El Alto. Study carried out for the Decentralized Urban Infrastructure Project of the Municipal Government of El Alto financed with resources from the World Bank. Technical evaluation of the system; social and economic evaluation of the actors linked to the transportation system (drivers, voceadores, llalanteros, owners, etc.) and analysis of the perception of the system by the users. Preparation of a survey of 2,000 observations to operators and users of public transport.

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399 surveys were conducted to drivers of public transport of the city of El Alto and 675 surveys of perception to users of public transport; 2 focus groups with transporters; counts, gauging and spreads up / down in different points and routes of public transport. A Parametric Table of Vehicular Operation Costs and Rate Estimation for the Urban Public Transport of the city of El Alto was built in the modality of Minibuses and Micros. A sensitivity analysis was carried out constructing scenarios with different values of the tariff according to the most representative and influential variables. A presentation of the study and training for the management and updating of the databases and tables parameterized to technicians of the Autonomous Municipal Government of El Alto was made.

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200 surveys to drivers of public transport of the city of Llallagua and 200 surveys of perception to users of public transport; 1 focal group with transporters; counts, gauging and spreads up / down in different points and routes of public transport. A Parametric Table of Vehicular Operation Costs and Rate Estimation for the Urban Public Transport of the city of Llallagua was built in the Trufis modality. A sensitivity analysis was carried out constructing scenarios with different values of the tariff according to the most representative and influential variables. A presentation of the study and training for the management and updating of the databases and tables parameterized to technicians of the Autonomous Municipal Government of Llallagua was made.

Municipal Autonomous Government of Llallagua
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200 surveys were carried out to drivers of public transport of the city of Oruro and 200 surveys of perception to users of public transport; 1 focal group with transporters; counts, gauging and spreads up / down in different points and routes of public transport. A Parametricized Table of Vehicular Operation Costs and Rate Estimation for Urban Public Transport of the city of Oruro was built in the modalities of minibuses and buses. A sensitivity analysis was carried out constructing scenarios with different values of the tariff according to the most representative and influential variables. A presentation of the study and training for the management and updating of the databases and tables parameterized to technicians of the Autonomous Municipal Government of Oruro was made.

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Baseline study for the operation of the first three routes of La Paz Bus. Survey application to 1,300 people on track (on the layout of the first three selected routes) to potential users of the La Paz Bus system; 256 structured interviews in homes with people (homeowners and tenants) who live near the stopping points of the prioritized routes, inventory survey in the 3 routes, classified vehicle capacity in 6 points distributed in the 3 routes, 4 days a week for 16 hours a day.

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Study to determine the feasibility of implementing monitoring and collection systems for exclusive public transport through taximeters in the city of La Paz, as well as to determine the type of technology most appropriate to the reality of the city. Survey application to 1,926 users of taxis and radiotaxis; survey application to 880 taxi drivers and radiotaxis. Acquisition of 9 taximeters of different technology to carry out a taximeter laboratory and test its characteristics comparatively, and suggest the best option for the city of La Paz. It was attended by Mr. Wilmer Pipicano, international expert in transport and urban mobility, for the determination of technical parameters, calculation methodologies for the estimation of tariffs and others.

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Definition of strategic guidelines for a vehicular renewal program that allows to change the current public transport vehicles for buses of medium capacity, which can be acquired by public transport operators through soft revenues granted by the Bolivian government, in the framework of a cooperation agreement signed with the government of China. All the analysis framed in the current legal regulations, sectoral policies and competent sectoral planning instruments. The new buses should serve as feeders for the new cable car system that is being built in the La Paz - El Alto metropolis. A viability analysis of the Program was carried out, the foundations of a scrap system were defined. A case study of scrapping systems and vehicular renewal in other countries was made. It was attended by Mr. Juan Tapia Grillo, international transport expert, with whom was defined the strategy of implementation of the Program and the bases thereof to be able to carry it out in a short and medium term.

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Guidelines for a Business Plan for the first phase of the Municipal Transportation Service SETRAM, which will consist of the implementation of 4 semi-express public transport routes operated by a fleet of 61 buses (55 operative 6 reserve) of medium capacity (61 passengers) ). Social and Economic Impact Assessment of the SETRAM routes taking into account the environmental, social, anthropic and impact on mobility. Socioeconomic and financial evaluation of the first phase of the SETRAM, for which the social benefit derived from savings in waiting time and mobilization and savings in fuel was determined. The project was socioeconomically positive since it generates a high social benefit, however it must be subsidized by the GAMLP to guarantee its sustainability.

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Functional / Operational Design of the Municipal Transportation Service SETRAM, Wilmer Pipicano was brought from Colombia who, using the information collected by the GAMLP and through EMME software, established levels of demand, load, frequencies, fleet, speed and other aspects operations for the 4 routes of the first phase of SETRAM. Design and proposal of the collection and collection system through coins and prepaid card for SETRAM. Design and proposal of the control and monitoring system for SETRAM. The technical requirements were elaborated and the terms of reference for the tenders of the collection system and the control and monitoring system were drafted.

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Study of social and economic impacts of the current public transport system in the metropolitan area of La Paz and El Alto, definition of the principles of sustainable urban mobility in the metropolitan area, description of the contextual and reference framework, stakeholder analysis through a mapping of actors and influence networks, application of 3,392 perception surveys to users of public transport and carriers, application of focus groups with direct and indirect actors in the sector, semi-structured interviews with specialists, authorities and leaders, structured interviews with 67 operators public transport and 7 union domains. An assessment of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the public transport system was made, a Performance Evaluation Framework (MED) of the sector was developed as a system of indicators showing the evolution of urban mobility in the area metropolitan.

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Execution of the field works for the Master Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility for the Metropolitan Area of Cochabamba: (i) Load OD surveys (710 observations); (ii) Interception surveys of private vehicles (1,600 observations); (iii) Surveys on interception of public vehicles (1,575 observations); (iv) Parking lot rotation study (63 hours of registration); (v) Survey of declared preferences (750 observations).

ALG Transportation Infrastructure & Logistics
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Study of Public Transportation Costs to determine Technical Rates or what is known as Maximum Reference Rates, a georeferenced survey of 228 public transportation routes was carried out, in addition, to determine the Passenger Index per Kilometer IPK, 269 were carried out. ascent-descent sheets from Monday to Friday during 3 daily routes and 114 sheets on the weekend during 2 daily routes. 12 different scenarios of VOC Vehicular Operating Costs were analyzed taking into account transportation modality and age segments, a survey was carried out with 1,634 transporters and 2,948 public transport users, focus groups were held with transporters. The consultancy had a multidisciplinary team of experts in: transportation, mechanics, statistics, economics, georeferencing, in addition to having 50 people for field work. The conclusions of the study also presented several tariff scenarios with the appropriate recommendations on the application of these

Inter-American Development Bank IDB - GAMLP
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An analysis of the general demand for the Aerovía system was developed, analyzing the potential competition from conventional public transport and taxi routes, including yellow and colored taxis, for which vehicle gauging, frequency and visual occupancy (FOV) counts, verification of public transport routes, studies of ascent and descent of public transport passengers, and Origin Destination (O-D) surveys were carried out; also, with the field data, the potential number of users who would take Aerovía in the absence of taxi routes was estimated and in the scenario where intraprovincial buses make stops in accordance with current regulations and not at stations close to the Aerovía stations.

Clyde & Co Consortium
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Study of Public Transport Costs for the determination of Technical Rates or what is known as Maximum Reference Rates, field studies were carried out to determine the Index of Passengers per Kilometer IPK, ascent-descent sheets and budget sheets were made among other instruments. Different scenarios of Vehicle Operating Costs COV were analyzed, a survey of transporters and a survey of public transport users was carried out. The consultancy had a multidisciplinary team of experts in: transport, mechanics, statistics, economics, georeferencing, in addition to having 12 people for the field work.

Autonomous Municipal Government of Potosí
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