External Evaluation of the Program "Local Power - Urban Program" from the periods 2012 - 2014, applying the criteria of Relevance, Efficiency, Efficiency, Sustainability and Impact, with rights approach, gender approach and intercultural approach. As field work, the following tasks were developed: (i) Participation in workshops; (ii) Interviews; (iii) Meetings with Representatives of prioritized cases; (iv) Meetings with the facilitator team; (v) Meetings with Christian Aid Bolivia and CAFOD Bolivia. Evaluation of the communication products of the project. Construction of Net-Map influence networks.
Ex Post Evaluation of the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of La Paz PRU. Survey application to 4,100 people distributed in the following segments: (i) pedestrians; (ii) merchants; (iii) carriers; (iv) vulnerable groups (selling women with small children, blind people and child workers); and (v) tourists, all of them addressed in the Central Urban Area of the city. A tour of the CUC and the PUC was developed and later a workshop with renowned architects, among which are: Ramiro Muñoz, Carlo Villagómez, Jorge Valenzuela, Andrés Costa du Rels, among others. Impact evaluation of (i) infrastructure component; (ii) component of promotion of social, economic and productive development in the CUC, which had two competitive funds that financed more than 40 development projects; and (iii) component of institutional development within the GAMLP.
Final evaluation of the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of the city of La Paz (US $ 35 million). Some aspects were established to identify the deterioration, urbanization and obsolescence of the urban center, as well as the principles of urban revitalization. Investment levels were reviewed, compliance with the national standard in public investment. The Infrastructure component was evaluated by analyzing the impact of each of the infrastructure projects of the Program (Camacho Avenue, Camacho Market, Lanza Market, Pérez Velasco Gateway, etc.). An evaluation was made of the projects that sought to improve mobility in the CUC through people and vehicle counts to establish the level of service provided by the new infrastructures. The systematization of a representative sample of 13 projects financed through the Social Concurrent Fund and the Competitive Productive Fund, managed by component II of the Program, which accommodated more than US $ 700 thousand. The evaluation of component III of institutional strengthening itself was carried out through the provision of computer equipment to different units of the GMLP and the improvement of procedures.
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of the city of La Paz (US $ 35 million). A perception survey was applied to 384 people approached in the city center. Levels of investment, progress of works, compliance with the national standard in public investment were reviewed. We worked with a team of experts in urban development and employment generation in Colombia (Ricardo Montezuma) and Bolivia. The program also included the promotion of productive economic development in the CUC through the Competitive Productive Fund, and social development through the Social Competitive Fund. Finally, component III of institutional development was also evaluated, which was executed with close to US $ 1.5 million for the provision of computer equipment and improvement of administrative procedures.
A field investigation was carried out in 3 municipalities (La Paz, Llallagua and Tarija) on the issue of improved neighborhoods in Bolivia, in order to provide a basis for the development of a guide to guide future interventions to improve informal settlements and settlements. crime prevention; a documentary review, systematization and analysis of local crime literature and statistics was carried out in each of the municipalities where the study was conducted; Interviews were carried out with key actors and workshops with focus groups (beneficiaries of neighborhood improvement projects).
This study has been exploratory, allowing to lay the theoretical and technical foundations for the implementation of a new way of valuing real estate property in the city of La Paz through the characteristics of each property, as an alternative to the form of valuation current based on the Homogeneous Value Zones (ZHV). A survey was carried out on 350 housing applicants, 575 real estate bidders, 1,565 households, about 50 in-depth interviews with financial entities, specialists, urban architects and urban sociologists, several focal groups with different actors, systematization of purchase notices and sale of real estate published in the media for 10 weekends, configuration of the supply and demand of housing and the price thereof, through a hedonic price model.
Construction of a historical database of the municipal collections of the last 20 years, analysis of the peaks and valleys identified in the historical series, determining the causes of the behavior. Review, analysis and suggestions for modifications to the current system for calculating the aliquots and the tax base (i) for property taxes on real estate; (ii) for property taxes on motor vehicles; and (iii) for municipal patents. Analysis of the correlation between the income of the taxpaying population and the municipal tax burden, differentiating the analysis between natural persons and legal entities and between the different types of taxes and taxes. Comparative analysis of municipal tax burden with respect to other taxes (national) paid by both natural persons and legal entities.
Economic and social evaluation of the Program and its components, based on the Shadow Prices methodology, taking the parameters Reason Price Efficiency Account (RPC) and social discount rate defined by the VIPFE, a sensitivity analysis of the financial profitability was carried out And social.
Socioeconomic evaluation of the Las Cholas Forum cultural project, an infrastructure that would cost an estimated US $ 7 million. It was evaluated as an urban development project (hedonic price model), as an alternative education project and as a cultural development project. 400 market surveys were applied to the population of the city of La Paz to configure the demand for artistic and cultural services in the city, as well as an analysis of the cultural offer of La Paz. A workshop was held with the ladies selling the Las Cholas market and with outstanding artists from the medium, including musicians, theater players, dancers and other cultural actors.
Diagnosis and baseline of the impact area of the Urban Centrality Project La Portada, application of the theoretical-practical model proposed by the Chilean architect Mikel Martija for the evaluation of urban sustainability; application of urban sustainability survey in 400 households, self-administered survey to 6th grade students. Secondary education in educational units within the study area, survey of satisfaction of users of health services within the study area, filling information cards in educational and health facilities, conducting individual and collective semi-structured interviews, workshops work and coordination with institutional actors (GAMLP), social and experts (Think Tank); identification of deficiencies, potential and opportunities to implement actions and projects that improve the "Eco-efficiency" in the area, estimation and projection of the social benefits that the identified-prioritized interventions could generate.
Real estate market study in Viacha, Oruro, Potosí, Cochabamba, Sacaba, Sucre, Tarija, Cobija, Trinidad, Santa Cruz de la Sierra and El Torno, through the real estate supply survey application in more than 17K estate at the national level, realization of value maps applying econometric models and the Kriging interpolation methodology, replenishment models definition and merit and demerit factors for the 11 cities
Technical support in the redesign and elaboration of the Girl, Boy and Adolescent Plan "Building a better world" and the Municipal Program, within the framework of the Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development to live well, projected from 2021 to 2025, aimed at the municipality of La Paz . The objective of the contract was to provide technical support to the GAMLP in: (i) the preparation of the baseline of: “Comprehensive emergency service for early childhood in La Paz in a thousand colors! For the common good!”; (ii) the redesign of the Girl, Boy, Adolescent Plan “Building a Better World” 2021-2025; and (iii) the preparation of the five-year plan for the Program for Attention to Populations in Situations of Social Risk, 2021-2025, for which interviews and workshops were held with GAMLP officials, the "Tree of problems" methodology was applied. and it also facilitated the tables related to care for children and the population in a situation of social risk, in the Human and Social Development Forum for the preparation of the Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development 2021-2025 of the GAMLP.
Diagnosis about knowledge, attitudes and practices related to Covid-19 in merchants and service providers in dense areas of the city of La Paz (Plaza Equino, Alonso de Mendoza, Garita de Lima, Max Paredes) and El Alto (La Ceja, D1 ), for which a survey was applied to 300 grassroots community actors and leaders, as well as semi-structured interviews with technicians from Municipal Governments, and a georeferenced inventory of community resources in these areas was developed.
Study of Public Transportation Costs to determine Technical Rates or what is known as Maximum Reference Rates, a georeferenced survey of 228 public transportation routes was carried out, in addition, to determine the Passenger Index per Kilometer IPK, 269 were carried out. ascent-descent sheets from Monday to Friday during 3 daily routes and 114 sheets on the weekend during 2 daily routes. 12 different scenarios of VOC Vehicular Operating Costs were analyzed taking into account transportation modality and age segments, a survey was carried out with 1,634 transporters and 2,948 public transport users, focus groups were held with transporters. The consultancy had a multidisciplinary team of experts in: transportation, mechanics, statistics, economics, georeferencing, in addition to having 50 people for field work. The conclusions of the study also presented several tariff scenarios with the appropriate recommendations on the application of these
An evaluation was carried out of the Decentralized Sustainable Urban Sanitation Program (PSSDU), which consisted of a demonstration project carried out in the Guadalupe II COFADENA neighborhood of the municipality of Montero and in the La Amistad neighborhood of the municipality of Cobija, between 2018 and 2023 by UNICEF with financing from the Swedish embassy in Bolivia, reaching a total of 126 families benefited with Family Sanitary Modules (MOSAFA) and a much larger population with actions for Hygiene Promotion, Menstrual Hygiene Management, protection and prevention of violence, and adaptation to climate change, at the neighborhood and educational unit level. To this end, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was applied (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, as well as scalability, replicability and gender and equity approaches), applying a survey to 47 families targeted by MOSAFA, individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review.
Design and approval of the new districting of the municipality of Sucre (urban area and rural area), overcoming the asymmetries in the development of the municipality, seeking population balance and adequate territorial management, which guarantees efficient and effective decentralized public management, within the framework of current regulations and legal provisions. To this end, a territorial, physical-spatial, organizational and socioeconomic diagnosis of the municipality has been developed, subsequently a socialization of the diagnosis and the districting proposal has been carried out at the level of sub-mayoralties and neighborhood councils, the municipal law of the new districting has been drawn up and advocacy has been done at the Municipal Council level for its approval.
Two municipal housing and habitat policies were developed in a participatory manner: (i) one for the municipality of Viacha and (ii) another for District IV of the municipality of El Alto. Situational diagnoses were prepared that allowed the identification of needs and opportunities in both territories, complemented by the realization of semi-structured interviews and strategic meetings with key actors, such as municipal technicians, representatives of Fejuves and municipal authorities. Regulations, bibliography and relevant experiences were systematized to support the proposal, also developing a directory of key actors and promoting collaborative agreements with Municipal Governments. As a result, reports were delivered that summarize the identified demands, define territorial priorities and consolidate the necessary inputs for the design of inclusive policies, oriented to the fulfillment of the human right to adequate housing and habitat. Likewise, the proposal for a tax reform that democratizes access to land and promotes a less extensive growth model was included.