A field investigation was carried out in 3 municipalities (La Paz, Llallagua and Tarija) on the issue of improved neighborhoods in Bolivia, in order to provide a basis for the development of a guide to guide future interventions to improve informal settlements and settlements. crime prevention; a documentary review, systematization and analysis of local crime literature and statistics was carried out in each of the municipalities where the study was conducted; Interviews were carried out with key actors and workshops with focus groups (beneficiaries of neighborhood improvement projects).
This contract has been developed in three components: (i) supervision of civil works, which included the supervision of road improvement works, construction of a community house, improvement of the potable water supply system, provision of sewerage and recreation areas between others; (ii) the implementation of the community development component, which included training, awareness-raising and organization activities with neighborhood residents, activities with women and young people, creation of works, water, financial and prevention committees of risks, provision of sanitary modules to about 160 families; and (iii) regularization of the proprietary right, which included the completion of regularization procedures for about 40 beneficiary families of this component.
This has been the largest neighborhood improvement project executed in Bolivia, reaching more than 570 families. It has been developed in three components: (i) the supervision of civil works, which included supervision of road improvement works, construction of a community house, improvement of the potable water and sewage system and recreation areas, among others; (ii) the implementation of the community development component, which included training, awareness-raising and organization activities with neighborhood residents, activities with women and young people, creation of works, water, financial and prevention committees of risks, provision of health modules to about 570 families; and (iii) regularization of the proprietary right, which included the completion of regularization procedures for about 40 beneficiary families of this component.
Execution of the component of Community Development and Regularization of Owner Law "Barrio Alto Ventilla Bella Vista". Organization, coordination and implementation of participatory activities within the neighborhood, such as assemblies, community actions of neighborhood cleaning, tree planting, activities with women, with young people, adolescents, boys and girls, forming a social protection network within the neighborhood, workshops training in risk management, administration of the community house, establishment of committees, supervision of works, construction, use and maintenance of health modules, among many other activities.
Study on Gender and Generational Violence in Bolivia. Analysis of qualitative character at national level. 108 institutions visited, among which we can mention: governorates of the 9 departments, municipal governments of large and rural municipalities, state institutions (judicial, legislative and executive bodies), civil society organizations, social movements and groups of sexual diversities and gender, through in-depth interviews.
The "We are on Time" project consisted of an "edutainment" intervention that, through the transmission of the radio story "Calicanto" and various complementary activities, has sought to contribute in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy and to reduce different expressions of gender-based violence; For the systematization, an average of 10 semi-structured interviews were applied to radio story listeners, mothers/fathers and institutional actors in each of the 8 "coalitions" in the municipalities of El Alto, Challapata, Llallagua, Cochabamba, Sucre, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Puerto Suárez and Puerto Quijarro, in addition to an extensive review of documentation generated by the Project throughout its implementation; A documentary video was produced that reflects the main results of the implementation and the final document was designed for printing.
Diagnosis about knowledge, attitudes and practices related to Covid-19 in merchants and service providers in dense areas of the city of La Paz (Plaza Equino, Alonso de Mendoza, Garita de Lima, Max Paredes) and El Alto (La Ceja, D1 ), for which a survey was applied to 300 grassroots community actors and leaders, as well as semi-structured interviews with technicians from Municipal Governments, and a georeferenced inventory of community resources in these areas was developed.
External evaluation of the project: "RESTAURARTE - Training and Responsibility for Social Reintegration", the model suggested by the OECD, the European Union and almost all international cooperation organizations was applied based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact , The Project consisted in the implementation of a socio-educational restorative model that benefited more than 500 young people and adolescents of both sexes deprived of liberty in the Qalauma center and Social Reintegration Centers for teenagers, it consisted in the implementation of three technical training specialties (carpentry , mechanical metal and leather goods), in addition to the specialty of Art and Culture, which allowed the formation of technical skills in this population but also the implementation of marketing processes and social reintegration plans.
Evaluation of the Vuela Libre Movement project, for a childhood free of commercial sexual violence in Bolivia; with the objective of identifying the main advances achieved in the periods 2017 - 2020 and 2021 - 2023, promoting the strengthening of institutional capacities and providing elements for greater effectiveness and efficiency in project management. To this end, a methodology based on the six OECD-DAC criteria was implemented, applying quantitative tools (survey of 58 recipient NAs and review of a sample of 47 NA folders attended by the project) and qualitative tools (semi-structured individual and collective interviews, document review).