Administration and Management of Autonomous Territorial Entities


Design of a monitoring and evaluation system (M & E), institutional strengthening and Management by Results to the project of simplification of procedures for the municipal governments of Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Montero. Support to the private sector and business environment.

IFC International Financial Corporation
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Construction of a historical database of the municipal collections of the last 20 years, analysis of the peaks and valleys identified in the historical series, determining the causes of the behavior. Review, analysis and suggestions for modifications to the current system for calculating the aliquots and the tax base (i) for property taxes on real estate; (ii) for property taxes on motor vehicles; and (iii) for municipal patents. Analysis of the correlation between the income of the taxpaying population and the municipal tax burden, differentiating the analysis between natural persons and legal entities and between the different types of taxes and taxes. Comparative analysis of municipal tax burden with respect to other taxes (national) paid by both natural persons and legal entities.

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The Single Registry of Tax Administration (RUAT) was evaluated based on the five OECD criteria, a constitution document was drafted for the new entity, including the transition strategy and statutes of the new institution.

Federation of Municipal Associations FAM
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Economic Technical Study of a proposal for the modification of the tax base in the property taxes of motor vehicles. Proposal for the modernization of the parameterized table for the estimation of the taxable base for the collection of vehicle holding tax. Definition of strategy and analysis of Stakholders. Proposal of normative instruments for the implementation of the new tax regime.

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Technical support in the redesign and elaboration of the Girl, Boy and Adolescent Plan "Building a better world" and the Municipal Program, within the framework of the Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development to live well, projected from 2021 to 2025, aimed at the municipality of La Paz . The objective of the contract was to provide technical support to the GAMLP in: (i) the preparation of the baseline of: “Comprehensive emergency service for early childhood in La Paz in a thousand colors! For the common good!”; (ii) the redesign of the Girl, Boy, Adolescent Plan “Building a Better World” 2021-2025; and (iii) the preparation of the five-year plan for the Program for Attention to Populations in Situations of Social Risk, 2021-2025, for which interviews and workshops were held with GAMLP officials, the "Tree of problems" methodology was applied. and it also facilitated the tables related to care for children and the population in a situation of social risk, in the Human and Social Development Forum for the preparation of the Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development 2021-2025 of the GAMLP.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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Design and approval of the new districting of the municipality of Sucre (urban area and rural area), overcoming the asymmetries in the development of the municipality, seeking population balance and adequate territorial management, which guarantees efficient and effective decentralized public management, within the framework of current regulations and legal provisions. To this end, a territorial, physical-spatial, organizational and socioeconomic diagnosis of the municipality has been developed, subsequently a socialization of the diagnosis and the districting proposal has been carried out at the level of sub-mayoralties and neighborhood councils, the municipal law of the new districting has been drawn up and advocacy has been done at the Municipal Council level for its approval.

Autonomous Municipal Government of Sucre
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Description of the constitutional powers and authority to issue regulations of the Municipal Councils, of the regulatory authority of the Municipal Executive and basic principles for the formulation of regulatory proposals; development of the structure and rules for the formulation of regulations; guide for the justification of the regulation; identification of the aspects to be verified with respect to the need and viability, tax structure, constitutional principles and legal formula of the regulatory proposals; elaboration of a model of the structure of a municipal autonomous law, of a municipal decree and of an administrative resolution.

Municipal Association of Bolivia
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Two municipal housing and habitat policies were developed in a participatory manner: (i) one for the municipality of Viacha and (ii) another for District IV of the municipality of El Alto. Situational diagnoses were prepared that allowed the identification of needs and opportunities in both territories, complemented by the realization of semi-structured interviews and strategic meetings with key actors, such as municipal technicians, representatives of Fejuves and municipal authorities. Regulations, bibliography and relevant experiences were systematized to support the proposal, also developing a directory of key actors and promoting collaborative agreements with Municipal Governments. As a result, reports were delivered that summarize the identified demands, define territorial priorities and consolidate the necessary inputs for the design of inclusive policies, oriented to the fulfillment of the human right to adequate housing and habitat. Likewise, the proposal for a tax reform that democratizes access to land and promotes a less extensive growth model was included.

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