This contract has been developed in two components: (i) the final evaluation of the Program; and (ii) the systematization of the program's experiences. The evaluation has been developed based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, mainstreaming the gender and intercultural approach, in the framework of IWRM and MIC, while systematization has been developed taking as axis the results, objectives and end embodied in the Logical Framework of the Program. For the collection of information 321 structured interviews have been applied to municipal and community authorities, and representatives of productive organizations, peasants, originators, mining cooperatives, neighborhood associations and educational units in the area of influence of the Program, more than a dozen have been made from field visits to the project sites, 10 focus groups were carried out, an evaluation document was produced, a book-type document of the systematization, an album with 300 photographs and a documentary video of the intervention.
Final evaluation of the funds of the International Appeal (Flash Appeal) financed by Sweden and Denmark and of the Stockpile supported by Sweden in the emergencies of 2008 generated by the La Niña phenomenon in relation to the following topics: health, food security, protection, education, water. The evaluation was carried out based on the five evaluation criteria used by the OECD and the European Commission.
Final evaluation of the ASVI Phase I project and intermediate evaluation of the ASVI Phase II project related to water provision and care of the environment through the five criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability). Analysis of the degree of appropriation of rural community organizations to the technological solutions developed by JICA: The implementation of Phase II was recommended, making adjustments in the logical framework matrix (MML) of the project, recommending the determination of five-year goals at the departmental level. to coverage in the rural area.
This contract has been developed in three components: (i) supervision of civil works, which included the supervision of road improvement works, construction of a community house, improvement of the potable water supply system, provision of sewerage and recreation areas between others; (ii) the implementation of the community development component, which included training, awareness-raising and organization activities with neighborhood residents, activities with women and young people, creation of works, water, financial and prevention committees of risks, provision of sanitary modules to about 160 families; and (iii) regularization of the proprietary right, which included the completion of regularization procedures for about 40 beneficiary families of this component.
This has been the largest neighborhood improvement project executed in Bolivia, reaching more than 570 families. It has been developed in three components: (i) the supervision of civil works, which included supervision of road improvement works, construction of a community house, improvement of the potable water and sewage system and recreation areas, among others; (ii) the implementation of the community development component, which included training, awareness-raising and organization activities with neighborhood residents, activities with women and young people, creation of works, water, financial and prevention committees of risks, provision of health modules to about 570 families; and (iii) regularization of the proprietary right, which included the completion of regularization procedures for about 40 beneficiary families of this component.
Financial balance at the national level of the provision of basic services (drinking water and basic sanitation) disaggregated by type of municipality and source of financing (GM and EPSAS) and projections on investment needs in water and sanitation through a new classification of municipalities made by the Bank. Analysis of management and financial capacities by type.
Preparation of a study on water, sanitation and climate change and the environment in cities with more than 10 thousand inhabitants, taking La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz as study cases. Review of all the national regulations and the new competence framework defined in the new Political Constitution of the State. Analysis of institutional capacities of service providers.
This contract was developed in two components: (i) the supervision of civil works, with the objective of achieving compliance in agreed contractual terms and quality control of ecological latrine construction works; (ii) supervision of the Community Development component, with the objective of achieving compliance in terms of time, quantity and quality of the expected results established in the Terms of Reference of the executor of the coponent, and its contribution to positive socio-cultural impacts of the communities under project.
This contract has been developed in two components: (i) the social action plan or DESCOM plan; and (ii) the institutional action plan or FI / EPSA plan. To this end, participatory and inclusive activities are being implemented in order to: (i) Strengthen the development of healthy practices and the proper use of new water and sanitation services; (ii) Promote social participation and accompaniment to the work; (iii) Promote the participation of women in the community; (iv) Improve healthy practices with the environment; (v) Engage beneficiaries in their counterparts for the construction of water and sanitation systems; (vi) Commit the beneficiaries to the timely payment of fees for the services; (vii) Strengthen the technical, administrative, social and environmental management of the EPSA based on knowledge and implementation of the regulations in force; (viii) Train and provide technical assistance for self-construction, use, operation and maintenance of family sanitation solutions.
This contract is being developed in two components: (i) the social action plan or DESCOM plan; and (ii) the institutional action plan or FI / EPSA plan. To this end, participatory and inclusive activities are being implemented in order to: (i) Strengthen the development of healthy practices and the proper use of drinking water and sanitation services; (ii) Promote social participation and accompaniment to the work; (iii) Promote the participation of women in the community; (iv) Improve healthy practices with the environment; (v) Commit the beneficiaries in their counterpart for the construction of water and sanitation systems; (vi) Commit the beneficiaries to the timely payment of fees for the services; (vii) Strengthen the technical, administrative, social and environmental management of the EPSA based on knowledge and implementation of the regulations in force; (viii) Train and provide technical assistance for self-construction, use, operation and maintenance of family sanitation solutions.
Final evaluation and systematization of experiences of the project "Strengthening human security of rural communities through comprehensive support for their resilience, response capacity and food security situation", also known as "Human Security", implemented by the PMA agencies , FAO and UNICEF. Measurement of the indicators one year after completing the intervention through (i) a survey of project beneficiaries; and (ii) a survey of community leaders; In addition, a detailed review of secondary information was made and in-depth interviews were carried out with institutional actors and key informants. A documentary video was produced as part of the systematization of the Project's experiences.
Macro Processes Characterization and Virtual Training Platform Curricular Design for Water and Sanitation Service Providers
Final evaluation of the project "Food security and irrigation water in 6 La Paz Altiplano communities", executed in the Mecapaca, Achocalla and Calamarca municipalities, in Jucuri, Pasto Grande, Ninacho, Kella Kella, Totorani and Bajo Yanari communities, using the approach suggested by the OECD for this intervention types, based on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact criteria, with gender mainstreaming perspective; the project had a total cost of 106K euros and benefited 1,008 people.
Final evaluation of the project: "Implementation of a model of sustainable management of water and sanitation in 5 Aymara communities of the Bolivian Altiplano" with financing from the Government of Navarra, based on the OECD and EU methodology, which uses the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, with mainstreaming of gender approach, to evaluate social interventions; the project includes the management and construction of basic sanitation solutions in 5 communities of Achocalla, in addition to components of gender, health, hygiene, nutrition and institutional strengthening. Individual and collective semi-structured interviews were applied to the executing team, beneficiaries and local authorities, all the project documentation was reviewed, to issue the conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation.
In reference to the methodology, the evaluation has been based on (i) documentary review; (ii) key informant interviews; (iii) application of individual questionnaires to the target population; (iv) interviews with focus groups; and (v) observation visits. For this purpose, 10 communities have been visited in the space of two weeks and mayors, municipal councilors, municipal technicians, members of the CAPyS, members of the beneficiary communities, members of the health centers, personnel of educational centers and to the Program coordinator team, including the technical team responsible for the infrastructure and the technical team responsible for DESCOM. Additionally, a total of 132 surveys were carried out among the beneficiary population, which served to characterize the populations and current conditions related to basic services, mainly SAP, in addition to the hygiene habits of the target population.
An evaluation was carried out of the Decentralized Sustainable Urban Sanitation Program (PSSDU), which consisted of a demonstration project carried out in the Guadalupe II COFADENA neighborhood of the municipality of Montero and in the La Amistad neighborhood of the municipality of Cobija, between 2018 and 2023 by UNICEF with financing from the Swedish embassy in Bolivia, reaching a total of 126 families benefited with Family Sanitary Modules (MOSAFA) and a much larger population with actions for Hygiene Promotion, Menstrual Hygiene Management, protection and prevention of violence, and adaptation to climate change, at the neighborhood and educational unit level. To this end, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was applied (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, as well as scalability, replicability and gender and equity approaches), applying a survey to 47 families targeted by MOSAFA, individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review.
Evaluation of the project "Improving the health and hygiene of 3 rural Aymara communities in the municipality of Calamarca, through access to drinking water from a gender perspective in development" implemented with funding from the Xunta de Galicia in the communities of Chocorosi Alto, Chocorosi and San Pedro de Chocorosi in the municipality of Calamarca, for which the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), with the application of individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and document review.
Preparation of a national diagnosis of the irrigation sector, based on a documentary review and semi-structured interviews with key actors, inventory of indicators of the irrigation sector at the national level present in the planning documents and current regulations, identification and prioritization of the strategic lines of public policy in the irrigation sector, definition of indicators that allow monitoring performance at the sector level, preparation of parameterized sheets for each of the prioritized indicators, consolidation, presentation and validation of the MED (Performance Evaluation Framework) of the irrigation sector.
Final evaluation of the project: "Access to sanitation, hygiene, health and waste disposal services appropriate to the geographic context was achieved for 40 of 67 families in 3 communities in the Chocorosi sub-central area, ending open defecation, paying attention to the needs of women, girls and people in vulnerable situations." The evaluation of the project was carried out considering the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact; the project had an important gender component, seeking to promote the exercise of women's right to leadership and political representation, since women took ownership of the sanitation, health and solid waste disposal projects, and through these they achieved greater recognition in their communities. Likewise, the conditions of sanitation, health and a dignified life of the recipient families were improved.