Transcript of 374 survey forms applied in the area of influence of the CP 200381 and EMOP 200625 projects (Chuquisaca, Tarija, Pando and Beni) designed on the basis of the WFP ESAE methodology. Indicators were calculated on food consumption, diet diversity, agricultural production, proportion of food expenditure, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The World Food Program methodology based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach was used
Project baseline survey in the localities of Batallas, Huarina, Santiago de Huata, Laja (La Paz), Huancarani, Colquepata, Paucartambo (Peru) and Cañar (Ecuador). The indicators provided for the mainstreaming of productive, gender and generational criteria. Survey application following the LQAS methodology, in-depth interviews with local authorities, leaders of productive organizations and SAN experts. Preparation of sampling and information gathering instruments, training of field staff, transcription and systematization of data, issuance of reports.
Ex Post Evaluation of the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of La Paz PRU. Survey application to 4,100 people distributed in the following segments: (i) pedestrians; (ii) merchants; (iii) carriers; (iv) vulnerable groups (selling women with small children, blind people and child workers); and (v) tourists, all of them addressed in the Central Urban Area of the city. A tour of the CUC and the PUC was developed and later a workshop with renowned architects, among which are: Ramiro Muñoz, Carlo Villagómez, Jorge Valenzuela, Andrés Costa du Rels, among others. Impact evaluation of (i) infrastructure component; (ii) component of promotion of social, economic and productive development in the CUC, which had two competitive funds that financed more than 40 development projects; and (iii) component of institutional development within the GAMLP.
Final evaluation of the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of the city of La Paz (US $ 35 million). Some aspects were established to identify the deterioration, urbanization and obsolescence of the urban center, as well as the principles of urban revitalization. Investment levels were reviewed, compliance with the national standard in public investment. The Infrastructure component was evaluated by analyzing the impact of each of the infrastructure projects of the Program (Camacho Avenue, Camacho Market, Lanza Market, Pérez Velasco Gateway, etc.). An evaluation was made of the projects that sought to improve mobility in the CUC through people and vehicle counts to establish the level of service provided by the new infrastructures. The systematization of a representative sample of 13 projects financed through the Social Concurrent Fund and the Competitive Productive Fund, managed by component II of the Program, which accommodated more than US $ 700 thousand. The evaluation of component III of institutional strengthening itself was carried out through the provision of computer equipment to different units of the GMLP and the improvement of procedures.
Final evaluation of the Project "Best Practices in the Care of Newborn, Girls and Boys under 5 years" carried out in 24 municipalities of 6 departments (La Paz, Chuquisaca, Potosí, Cochabamba, Tarija and Santa Cruz), using the LQAS methodology in a sample of 1,368 households for the realization of quantitative studies and the methodology of the Kiviat Star for qualitative studies. The evaluation was based on the five evaluation criteria used by the OECD and the European Commission (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability). Includes aspects related to food security.
Mid-Term Evaluation of the Revitalization and Urban Development Program of the city of La Paz (US $ 35 million). A perception survey was applied to 384 people approached in the city center. Levels of investment, progress of works, compliance with the national standard in public investment were reviewed. We worked with a team of experts in urban development and employment generation in Colombia (Ricardo Montezuma) and Bolivia. The program also included the promotion of productive economic development in the CUC through the Competitive Productive Fund, and social development through the Social Competitive Fund. Finally, component III of institutional development was also evaluated, which was executed with close to US $ 1.5 million for the provision of computer equipment and improvement of administrative procedures.
Impact Evaluation of the public transport system in the city of El Alto. Study carried out for the Decentralized Urban Infrastructure Project of the Municipal Government of El Alto financed with resources from the World Bank. Technical evaluation of the system; social and economic evaluation of the actors linked to the transportation system (drivers, voceadores, llalanteros, owners, etc.) and analysis of the perception of the system by the users. Preparation of a survey of 2,000 observations to operators and users of public transport.
This study has been exploratory, allowing to lay the theoretical and technical foundations for the implementation of a new way of valuing real estate property in the city of La Paz through the characteristics of each property, as an alternative to the form of valuation current based on the Homogeneous Value Zones (ZHV). A survey was carried out on 350 housing applicants, 575 real estate bidders, 1,565 households, about 50 in-depth interviews with financial entities, specialists, urban architects and urban sociologists, several focal groups with different actors, systematization of purchase notices and sale of real estate published in the media for 10 weekends, configuration of the supply and demand of housing and the price thereof, through a hedonic price model.
399 surveys were conducted to drivers of public transport of the city of El Alto and 675 surveys of perception to users of public transport; 2 focus groups with transporters; counts, gauging and spreads up / down in different points and routes of public transport. A Parametric Table of Vehicular Operation Costs and Rate Estimation for the Urban Public Transport of the city of El Alto was built in the modality of Minibuses and Micros. A sensitivity analysis was carried out constructing scenarios with different values of the tariff according to the most representative and influential variables. A presentation of the study and training for the management and updating of the databases and tables parameterized to technicians of the Autonomous Municipal Government of El Alto was made.
Baseline study for the operation of the first three routes of La Paz Bus. Survey application to 1,300 people on track (on the layout of the first three selected routes) to potential users of the La Paz Bus system; 256 structured interviews in homes with people (homeowners and tenants) who live near the stopping points of the prioritized routes, inventory survey in the 3 routes, classified vehicle capacity in 6 points distributed in the 3 routes, 4 days a week for 16 hours a day.
Study to determine the feasibility of implementing monitoring and collection systems for exclusive public transport through taximeters in the city of La Paz, as well as to determine the type of technology most appropriate to the reality of the city. Survey application to 1,926 users of taxis and radiotaxis; survey application to 880 taxi drivers and radiotaxis. Acquisition of 9 taximeters of different technology to carry out a taximeter laboratory and test its characteristics comparatively, and suggest the best option for the city of La Paz. It was attended by Mr. Wilmer Pipicano, international expert in transport and urban mobility, for the determination of technical parameters, calculation methodologies for the estimation of tariffs and others.
Study of social and economic impacts of the current public transport system in the metropolitan area of La Paz and El Alto, definition of the principles of sustainable urban mobility in the metropolitan area, description of the contextual and reference framework, stakeholder analysis through a mapping of actors and influence networks, application of 3,392 perception surveys to users of public transport and carriers, application of focus groups with direct and indirect actors in the sector, semi-structured interviews with specialists, authorities and leaders, structured interviews with 67 operators public transport and 7 union domains. An assessment of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the public transport system was made, a Performance Evaluation Framework (MED) of the sector was developed as a system of indicators showing the evolution of urban mobility in the area metropolitan.
Preparation of study of nutritional food security situation in 26 rural municipalities of La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba, Potosí and Chuquisaca. Review of secondary information. Survey application to 1,997 households, application of the Latin American Scale for Food Security ELCSA, preparation of focus groups with producers and agricultural producers, application of structured interviews to authorities and officials of municipal executives and municipal councils.
Food security assessment study in the municipalities affected by the floods in early 2014 in the eastern Bolivian region, a detailed field study was carried out based on the application of 1,078 surveys in households in 25 rural municipalities of the departments of Cochabamba (Villa Tunari, Chimoré and Puerto Villarroel), Beni (Riberalta, Guayaramerín, Trinidad, Exaltation, Puerto Siles, San Joaquín, Santa Ana, Loreto, San Ignacio de Moxos, Santa Rosa, Reyes, Rurrenabaque and San Borja), Pando ( San Lorenzo, Gonzalo Moreno, San Pedro and Villa Nueva) and La Paz (San Buenaventura, Ixiamas, Palos Blancos and Alto Beni). An analysis was made of the characteristics of food security in rural households, their living conditions and the characteristics of family agricultural production.
Evaluation study of food security in municipalities affected by the drought at the beginning of 2013 in the Bolivian Chaco region and the Southern Cone of Cochabamba. a detailed field study was made based on the application of 482 household surveys in 12 rural municipalities of the departments of Cochabamba (Omereque, Pasorapa, Tarata and Mizque), Santa Cruz (Camiri, Charagua, Boyuibe and Cuevo), Chuquisaca (Machareti, Huacareta and Huacaya) and Tarija (Yacuiba). An analysis was made of the characteristics of food security in rural households, their living conditions and the characteristics of family agricultural production.
Food security assessment study in municipalities affected by the flooding at the beginning of 2013 in the San Juan del Oro river basin. A detailed field study was carried out based on the application of 426 household surveys in 11 rural municipalities of the departments of Chuquisaca (Carreras, Villa Abecia, Camargo and San Lucas), Potosí (Villazón, Tupiza, San Antonio de Esmoruco and Mojinete) and Tarija (El Puente and Yunchará). An analysis was made of the characteristics of food security in rural households, their living conditions and the characteristics of family agricultural production.
Systematization of 600 surveys of households affected by natural disasters (floods) in rural communities of Ñeembucú and peri-urban localities of Asunción (Paraguay). Calculation of food safety indicators according to the CARI approach: Food Consumption Score (PCA); Diet Diversity Score (PDD); Index of Survival Strategies (IES); Food Spending Ratio (PGA); Consolidated indicators of food security.
Execution of the field works for the Master Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility for the Metropolitan Area of Cochabamba: (i) Load OD surveys (710 observations); (ii) Interception surveys of private vehicles (1,600 observations); (iii) Surveys on interception of public vehicles (1,575 observations); (iv) Parking lot rotation study (63 hours of registration); (v) Survey of declared preferences (750 observations).
Baseline survey for the Project: Harmony and Knowledge among Women and Men by the DSDR and Protection. A survey was applied to 1,596 girls, boys, adolescents and young people from 10 to 24 years old; self-administered survey of 1,596 girls, boys, adolescents or young people; conducting focus groups with students of both sexes; application of interviews to student leaders, representatives of municipal governments, SLIMs, DNAs, health services, educational units and project managers. The study was developed in 14 rural municipalities of La Paz, Potosí, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Santa Cruz.
Evaluation study of food security in municipalities affected by the mid-year flood (2015) in the north of Santa Cruz. Application of a survey to 330 affected households in 5 rural municipalities of the department of Santa Cruz. We inquired about the consumption of food, the diversity of diet, the proportion of spending on food, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The World Food Program methodology based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach was used.
Systematization of primary statistical information to evaluate the results of the project: "Strengthening human security in 4 municipalities of the Paraguayan Chaco". For this purpose, the WFP provided the data base of a survey applied to 184 indigenous families benefiting from the Project in the municipalities of: (i) Mariscal Estigarribia; (ii) Philadelphia; (iii) Lieutenant Irala Fernández; and (iv) Puerto Pinasco. The study consisted of preparing tables, report charts and the descriptive analysis of the results found in the topics; (i) health; (ii) housing and living conditions; (iii) water; (iv) organization and participation; (v) production, income and transfers; and (vi) human security.
Evaluation study of food security in municipalities affected by the mid-year flood (2015) in the north of Santa Cruz. Application of a survey to 360 families affected in 5 rural municipalities of the department of Santa Cruz. We inquired about the consumption of food, the diversity of diet, the proportion of spending on food, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The methodology of the World Food Program was used based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach.
Emergency assessment of the food security of families affected by the flood at the end of 2015 in the municipality of Asunción. Application of a survey to 366 families affected in 20 temporary shelters of 5 affected areas (Mbigua, Zeballos Cue, Lombardo, Tablada, Viñas Cue). We inquired about the consumption of food, the diversity of diet, the proportion of spending on food, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The methodology of the World Food Program was used based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach.
Final evaluation and systematization of experiences of the project "Strengthening human security of rural communities through comprehensive support for their resilience, response capacity and food security situation", also known as "Human Security", implemented by the PMA agencies , FAO and UNICEF. Measurement of the indicators one year after completing the intervention through (i) a survey of project beneficiaries; and (ii) a survey of community leaders; In addition, a detailed review of secondary information was made and in-depth interviews were carried out with institutional actors and key informants. A documentary video was produced as part of the systematization of the Project's experiences.
Diagnosis and baseline of the impact area of the Urban Centrality Project La Portada, application of the theoretical-practical model proposed by the Chilean architect Mikel Martija for the evaluation of urban sustainability; application of urban sustainability survey in 400 households, self-administered survey to 6th grade students. Secondary education in educational units within the study area, survey of satisfaction of users of health services within the study area, filling information cards in educational and health facilities, conducting individual and collective semi-structured interviews, workshops work and coordination with institutional actors (GAMLP), social and experts (Think Tank); identification of deficiencies, potential and opportunities to implement actions and projects that improve the "Eco-efficiency" in the area, estimation and projection of the social benefits that the identified-prioritized interventions could generate.
To develop an assessment of the food vulnerability situation in two districts of the city of El Alto, including a food vulnerability survey on 680 families, characterizing their main social, consumption, diet, food spending and survival strategies. The study advances the defining of a methodology aimed at measuring WFP CARI approach institutional indicators in peri-urban contexts.
Final evaluation of the Project: "Harmony and Knowledge between Women and Men for Sexual Rights, Reproductive Rights and Protection", applying the evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, by applying a survey to 1.000 men leaders and women leaders trained in the project framework and children and adolescents beneficiaries of replicas, interviews with representatives of municipal governments, SLIMs, DNAs, health services, educational units and project technic personal. The study was developed in 14 rural municipalities of La Paz, Potosí, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Santa Cruz.
A food safety and vulnerability survey to 1.200 families application, anthropometric and hemoglobinometric measurements in 2.400 girls and boys from 6 months to 10 years, baseline elaboration of availability, access, consumption, diet diversity, sustainability in food consumption, nutritional status and other indicators, in total 89 indicators for an intervention area and comparison area.
Real estate market study in Viacha, Oruro, Potosí, Cochabamba, Sacaba, Sucre, Tarija, Cobija, Trinidad, Santa Cruz de la Sierra and El Torno, through the real estate supply survey application in more than 17K estate at the national level, realization of value maps applying econometric models and the Kriging interpolation methodology, replenishment models definition and merit and demerit factors for the 11 cities
Design and execution of the baseline of the project "Young people in action: strengthening the social participation of youth for the development of public policies that guarantee Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Bolivia", for which semi-structured interviews have been applied to key informants (GAM staff, teaching staff and directors of educational units, health personnel and social communicators) and two surveys of more than 1,300 informants, (i) one of adolescents and young people between 16 and 28 years of age and (ii) another to people over 28 years of age.
Base Line of the Project: Guaranteeing the exercise of the right to a free of violence's life of women from the personal, social, economic and political empowerment in La Paz and Chuquisaca (Bolivia), for which was applied a survey to about 600 women and about 400 men over 17 years of age, in addition, individual and collective interviews were applied to female authorities, women who used care services in cases of violence, technical personnel of the GAMs and of the entities that are part of the protection system against all types of violence (SLIM, DNA, FELCV, prosecutor's office), in addition to reviewing data from secondary sources such as the 2018 Survey on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women, and others.
A survey was applied to 450 young people in the municipalities of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, La Guardia, Warnes, El Alto, La Paz, Viacha, Cochabamba, Sacaba and Quillacollo about knowledge and perception regarding the themes: environment and climate change, Semi-structured interviews were applied to key informants, and the information was systematized in a baseline matrix, structured according to the Project's logical framework.
A survey was applied to a sample of 697 families living in 46 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, life's means and coping strategies, was complemented with semi-structured interviews with municipal technicians, community representatives and focus groups with the target population.
Carrying out (i) an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA); (ii) a Market Functionality Study (MFI); and (iii) a rapid analysis of Gender, Protection and Communication, in three regions of the country: (i) municipalities near Lake Poopó in the department of Oruro; (ii) municipalities of the Chaco region in Tarija and Chuquisaca; and (iii) municipalities of the "Multiethnic Indigenous Territory II (TIM II) in the departments of Pando and Beni; for which, a food security survey was applied to 1,406 families in 104 communities, a market functionality survey to 400 merchants and representatives of fairs/markets in 10 municipal seats and 6 focus groups with women and men separately, distributed in the three study regions.
To develop this diagnosis, we will develop a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, this means that we will use both quantitative data sources (survey of people with HIV, statistical data from secondary sources), as well as to qualitative information sources (semi-structured interviews with key informants, in-depth interviews to obtain life stories, review of previous studies and news on the problem); The diagnostic approach will foresee different coordination mechanisms with institutions involved in the subject to reach the target population and pertinent documentation, as well as safeguard mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality of the information and the privacy of the informants. We also propose a multidisciplinary team, led by (i) an expert in research, monitoring and evaluation in the health sector, with extensive experience in HIV, sexual rights, reproductive rights and populations in situations of vulnerability, with the support of (ii ) a quantitative research specialist; (iii) a qualitative research specialist; and two expert advisors (Backstopping) on specific issues, (iv) one on a gender approach; and (v) an expert in working with populations in situations of extreme vulnerability (street population, in a situation or survivors of commercial sexual violence).
Survey of 828 mothers of children 5 years of age or younger, on the conditions in which they work/study, according to age, educational level, work characteristics and time dedicated to work, in order to know the demand for health services. care and training needs of women to design training programs or improve existing ones and thus promote gender equality.
Development of project's baseline, with the aim of validating the framework of objectives and results, and gathering information on the initial situation from which the intervention starts and which is intended to be changed, in order to obtain the basic referents of evaluability of the project; for which a modular survey was applied to 774 families, 40 interviews with key informants, 9 focus groups with adult and adolescent female leaders, a satisfaction test for users of public health services, and a knowledge test for public servants.
Evaluation of Phase II of the Life without Violence Project, executed by SOLIDAR Switzerland and financed by the Swiss Embassy in Bolivia (COSUDE), the Project was executed in more than a hundred municipalities in the country, between the years 2020 and 2022, with a financing of 2 million Swiss francs, with the general objective of reducing gender-based violence in the territory of implementation; Semi-structured interviews were applied to more than thirty actors linked to the Project (GAMs, SLIMs, FELCV, FGE, Council of the Magistracy, educationalists and promoters formed by the Project, among several others), four focus groups and the application of a survey of perception to almost 200 participants of the closing event of the Project held in the municipality of Tiquipaya between April 25 and 27, 2022.
In reference to the methodology, the evaluation has been based on (i) documentary review; (ii) key informant interviews; (iii) application of individual questionnaires to the target population; (iv) interviews with focus groups; and (v) observation visits. For this purpose, 10 communities have been visited in the space of two weeks and mayors, municipal councilors, municipal technicians, members of the CAPyS, members of the beneficiary communities, members of the health centers, personnel of educational centers and to the Program coordinator team, including the technical team responsible for the infrastructure and the technical team responsible for DESCOM. Additionally, a total of 132 surveys were carried out among the beneficiary population, which served to characterize the populations and current conditions related to basic services, mainly SAP, in addition to the hygiene habits of the target population.
Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) applying the WFP protocol for this type of assessment (CARI methodology), in the municipality of Entre Ríos (Tarija) in communities that were affected by a large-scale flood on the night of February 20 2022. Application of a survey to 196 households in 11 affected communities, obtaining the institutional indicators of the WFP, analysis of food consumption, diversity of diet, food expenditure, survival strategies and the situation of vulnerability to food insecurity of the affected families.
An investigation has been developed, based on a survey of 860 women and 721 men, on empowerment, autonomy in decision-making, economic autonomy, on eating habits and healthy living, in addition to 12 focus groups, 6 with women and 6 with men, distributed in urban and rural areas of three ecological floors (Altiplano, Valleys and Amazonia); With these data, and from the construction of logit and OLS econometric models, it was possible to identify the main causal relationships between the main gender gaps and the probability of suffering from undernutrition, overweight-obesity and double burden of malnutrition in a combined way. women and men separately and in a comparative way.
A survey was applied to a sample of 792 families living in 56 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, means of life and coping strategies, was complemented with information available in the SPIE State Comprehensive Planning System.
Systematization developed at the national level, of projects, programs, policies, regulations and experiences in general aimed at supporting the economic autonomy of women, a survey was applied to more than 1,500 women and their male partners in the ten main cities of the country, a a survey of women receiving experiences to support their economic autonomy, the ten municipal governments of the main cities of the country were interviewed, semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants from the public sector, cooperation and civil society organizations, in addition to collect and operate a significant amount of secondary information, from PTDIs, municipal budgets and other sources.
A survey was applied to 306 women over 18 years of age and their male partners in Cochabamba and Colcapirhua, and the database of a previous baseline raised in the city of El Alto, from a survey applied to 275 women and their partners, was used. men, a survey was also applied to 111 women users of SLIMs, semi-structured interviews were applied to key actors, and secondary source information was managed; all the information was systematized in a Baseline Matrix, structured according to the logical structure of the project.
Diagnosis about knowledge, attitudes and practices related to Covid-19 in merchants and service providers in dense areas of the city of La Paz (Plaza Equino, Alonso de Mendoza, Garita de Lima, Max Paredes) and El Alto (La Ceja, D1 ), for which a survey was applied to 300 grassroots community actors and leaders, as well as semi-structured interviews with technicians from Municipal Governments, and a georeferenced inventory of community resources in these areas was developed.
Consultancy: Preparation of a study "Digital gap: childhood, adolescence and women" in the territories of Amazonia, Chaco Tarijeño and San Lucas (Chuquisaca), applying an adaptation of the methodology that was implemented in 2008 in Spain with data from 31 countries to calculate the SIGTIC index (System of Gender and ICT Indicators), for which a survey was applied to more than 700 people over 15 years of age and semi-structured interviews were applied to specialists and local authorities to deepen the qualitative interpretation of the data.
Study of Public Transportation Costs to determine Technical Rates or what is known as Maximum Reference Rates, a georeferenced survey of 228 public transportation routes was carried out, in addition, to determine the Passenger Index per Kilometer IPK, 269 were carried out. ascent-descent sheets from Monday to Friday during 3 daily routes and 114 sheets on the weekend during 2 daily routes. 12 different scenarios of VOC Vehicular Operating Costs were analyzed taking into account transportation modality and age segments, a survey was carried out with 1,634 transporters and 2,948 public transport users, focus groups were held with transporters. The consultancy had a multidisciplinary team of experts in: transportation, mechanics, statistics, economics, georeferencing, in addition to having 50 people for field work. The conclusions of the study also presented several tariff scenarios with the appropriate recommendations on the application of these
The evaluation was carried out on two programs implemented by UNFPA with funds from Sweden and Koica, respectively: i) "Bridge Initiative to Support the UNFPA Bolivia Country Program 2018-2022: "Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights in Bolivia, leaving no one behind" and ii) Project "Promoting gender equality for the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights of adolescents in Bolivia 2021 - 2025". This evaluation applied the OECD criteria: Relevance, Timeliness, Utility, Limiting factors and Success Factors, Scalability, Replicability, Lessons learned and good practices. Tools such as semi-structured interviews and surveys were applied (to: (i) 23 health service providers; (ii) 29 AJ users of AIDA services; (iii) 32 MAC-VVS-ILE health service providers; (iv) 45 female users of MAC-VVS-ILE services; (v) 135 female users of SLIM services; (vi) 32 mothers/fathers of children and adolescents users of DNA services; (vii) 101 brigade members who received training in gender; (viii) 48 adolescents who received training in positive masculinities; (ix) 106 teachers who received training in EIS) in urban, peri-urban and rural municipalities (La Paz, Cochabamba, El Alto, Sucre, Cobija, Sacaba, Llallagua, Camargo, San Lucas), on the topics of human rights sexual, reproductive rights, sexual health and reproductive health, sexual violence and gender-based violence.
An evaluation was carried out of the Decentralized Sustainable Urban Sanitation Program (PSSDU), which consisted of a demonstration project carried out in the Guadalupe II COFADENA neighborhood of the municipality of Montero and in the La Amistad neighborhood of the municipality of Cobija, between 2018 and 2023 by UNICEF with financing from the Swedish embassy in Bolivia, reaching a total of 126 families benefited with Family Sanitary Modules (MOSAFA) and a much larger population with actions for Hygiene Promotion, Menstrual Hygiene Management, protection and prevention of violence, and adaptation to climate change, at the neighborhood and educational unit level. To this end, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was applied (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability, as well as scalability, replicability and gender and equity approaches), applying a survey to 47 families targeted by MOSAFA, individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review.
The Project, implemented by the Foundation and by CIES sexual health and reproductive health, with funding from the European Union, was evaluated based on the criteria recommended by the OECD-DAC (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact). For this, individual and collective semi-structured interviews were applied, a survey was applied to the target population (576 adolescents and young people who are users of AIDAJ services and who participated in the project) and a documentary review of the evidence provided by the executors was carried out.
Final evaluation of the project "Guaranteeing the exercise of the right to a life free of violence for women through personal, social, economic and political empowerment in La Paz and Chuquisaca (Bolivia)" implemented by the Alianza por la Solidaridad foundation in consortium with the Gregoria Apaza Women's Promotion Centre, the Juana Azurduy Centre and ACOBOL, with funding from the Generalitat Valenciana. To this end, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact) by applying quantitative tools (survey of 314 target women) and qualitative tools (semi-structured individual and collective interviews, and document review).
An analysis was made in the office of the 2023 management database of product offerers for the subsidies administered by SEDEM, as well as the regulations for the direct contracting of products for subsidies (RA SEDEM / GG / No. 137/2023) was analyzed, finally, a theoretical framework was developed regarding price setting in different scenarios according to economic theory; In this sense, the study concluded that the formula for calculating fixed prices for the acquisition of products from the different subsidies is adequate, but two adjustments were suggested, related to the homogenization of the initial data series (bidder prices) and the final calibration of the reference price, averaging it with the observable market price.
The study was designed based on a process of problematization, identification of problems, questions and research objectives; an Analysis Plan Matrix (MPA) was constructed, from which the data collection instruments were designed; a field operation was carried out in 92 municipalities of the 9 departments of the country, interviewing 207 municipal protection and health workers, and more than 250 women and adolescents with disabilities were surveyed; dashboards were developed to visualize results; finally, a presentation and discussion of the results was made with the EDUCO team.
An analysis of the general demand for the Aerovía system was developed, analyzing the potential competition from conventional public transport and taxi routes, including yellow and colored taxis, for which vehicle gauging, frequency and visual occupancy (FOV) counts, verification of public transport routes, studies of ascent and descent of public transport passengers, and Origin Destination (O-D) surveys were carried out; also, with the field data, the potential number of users who would take Aerovía in the absence of taxi routes was estimated and in the scenario where intraprovincial buses make stops in accordance with current regulations and not at stations close to the Aerovía stations.
The project baseline was developed with a results-based management approach and cross-cutting approaches to gender, violence prevention, human rights, intersectionality and interculturality; a survey was applied to 3,016 families (3,016 women over 18 years of age, 1,874 adolescents from 15 to 18 years of age and 974 men over 18 years of age) in 92 municipalities in the 9 departments of the country; structured interviews were applied to 207 municipal protection and health workers and 483 users of municipal protection and health services. Finally, a baseline matrix (MLB) was developed with its respective manual for calculating and updating indicators, and dashboards for data visualization.
The baseline study was designed based on the construction of an Analysis Plan Matrix (MPA) derived from the Logical Framework of the project. Based on the MPA, the instruments were built, with which information was collected from 219 families living in the municipalities of San Ignacio de Velasco and Concepción and from key informants at the municipal, departmental and national levels; the Baseline Matrix (MLB) was built and a comprehensive situational assessment on the strategies and policies for forest care, risk management, livelihoods and access to credit for families; the results of the baseline study were presented through dashboards designed in Power Bi
A satisfaction survey was applied to 5,174 women beneficiaries of the following subsidies: (i) prenatal; (ii) breastfeeding; and (iii) universal for life; the survey form was programmed in KoBo and linked to a QR code, with which the beneficiary women were able to fill out the questionnaire autonomously in the same SEDEM agencies when picking up their packages; subsequently, the database was consolidated, cleaned and operated, and the results were presented through dashboards designed in Power Bi and a presentation designed in Canva.
The evaluation was carried out with a Results-Based Management (RBM) approach using the criteria suggested by the OECD-DAC (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact). Within the framework of the evaluation, 60 women and adolescents participating in the project, 95 users of health and protection services and 30 health service providers were surveyed, in addition to having applied semi-structured interviews to the implementing team and partners, key informants and target population.
Study of Public Transport Costs for the determination of Technical Rates or what is known as Maximum Reference Rates, field studies were carried out to determine the Index of Passengers per Kilometer IPK, ascent-descent sheets and budget sheets were made among other instruments. Different scenarios of Vehicle Operating Costs COV were analyzed, a survey of transporters and a survey of public transport users was carried out. The consultancy had a multidisciplinary team of experts in: transport, mechanics, statistics, economics, georeferencing, in addition to having 12 people for the field work.
A field operation was carried out to apply instruments developed by the company Kinitro, commissioned by CDD; 393 women and men over 18 years of age were surveyed, as well as 89 key informants, including community leaders, religious leaders and municipal officials.