The consultancy consisted of carrying out a process of follow-up, registration, monitoring and systematization of the fourth reimplementation of the Municipal School Program for Citizen Culture (PEMCC) 2nd. management semester 2012, in 240 Educational Units of the macrodistrict Center, San Antonio, South, Mallasa, Peripheral, Cotahuma and Max Paredes. More than 30 monitors were hired who were in charge of making contact with the directors of the educational units, coordinating the implementation of the program, filling out the respective forms, accompanying the students during the field visits, taking photographs of the implementation and systematize the information of each educational unit.
Coordination, follow-up and systematization of the re-implementation of the Municipal School Program of Citizen Culture of the GAMLP in 51 educational units, first semester of 2012. A folder of virtual learning modules was elaborated in which all the physical and digital forms were stored. academic contents. A memorandum document was written with information on the organization and format of the training programs in the virtual platform EVA-GAMLP, Manual of procedure for the preparation and implementation of virtual training modules. Synthesis document of the execution schedule of the 24 virtual learning modules for programs 1 and 2 of the Municipal Management Training Course for Disaster Risk Management.
Monitoring and recording of the implementation of the 2nd reimplementation of the Municipal School Program for Citizen Culture (PEMCC), with the theme of Risks, in 200 Educational Units of the Macrodistrict Center, San Antonio, South, Mallasa, Periférica, Cotahuma and Max Paredes. Specifically, the service was comprised of: (i) follow-up of the 2011 implementation process in each of the participating educational units, (ii) registration of the actions and activities carried out with the risk theme in each of the educational units, (iii) inform and coordinate the material requirement and delivery of the same according to the number of courses and students involved, (iv) support of the PEMCC institutionalization in the Educational Units, (v) participation in the evaluation of the implementation processes in the educational units , (vi) elaboration of a video with the registry of the activities carried out with the risk theme, and (vii) systematization of all the forms filled out by the educational units in file folders.
Document prepared to train both municipal staff and citizens in general on the concepts of citizenship culture and intercultural citizenship, from approaches of equality and social integration, characterized by a full participation of citizens addressing issues such as ownership of public space, citizen assessment of the territory, coexistence from self-regulation, among others.
The "We are on Time" project consisted of an "edutainment" intervention that, through the transmission of the radio story "Calicanto" and various complementary activities, has sought to contribute in the prevention of adolescent pregnancy and to reduce different expressions of gender-based violence; For the systematization, an average of 10 semi-structured interviews were applied to radio story listeners, mothers/fathers and institutional actors in each of the 8 "coalitions" in the municipalities of El Alto, Challapata, Llallagua, Cochabamba, Sucre, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Puerto Suárez and Puerto Quijarro, in addition to an extensive review of documentation generated by the Project throughout its implementation; A documentary video was produced that reflects the main results of the implementation and the final document was designed for printing.
Consultancy: Preparation of a study "Digital gap: childhood, adolescence and women" in the territories of Amazonia, Chaco Tarijeño and San Lucas (Chuquisaca), applying an adaptation of the methodology that was implemented in 2008 in Spain with data from 31 countries to calculate the SIGTIC index (System of Gender and ICT Indicators), for which a survey was applied to more than 700 people over 15 years of age and semi-structured interviews were applied to specialists and local authorities to deepen the qualitative interpretation of the data.