Institutional strengthening


Systematization of experiences of the Process of Alignment and Harmonization of Financial Cooperation for the Sector of Watersheds, Lessons Learned in the concept of SWAP (Wide Approach Sector). Documentation of coordination mechanisms between donors and beneficiaries, comparison and analysis of complementarity between different financial tools and preparation of a Memory of lessons learned.

German Cooperation for Development GIZ
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Design of a monitoring and evaluation system (M & E), institutional strengthening and Management by Results to the project of simplification of procedures for the municipal governments of Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Montero. Support to the private sector and business environment.

IFC International Financial Corporation
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Construction of a historical database of the municipal collections of the last 20 years, analysis of the peaks and valleys identified in the historical series, determining the causes of the behavior. Review, analysis and suggestions for modifications to the current system for calculating the aliquots and the tax base (i) for property taxes on real estate; (ii) for property taxes on motor vehicles; and (iii) for municipal patents. Analysis of the correlation between the income of the taxpaying population and the municipal tax burden, differentiating the analysis between natural persons and legal entities and between the different types of taxes and taxes. Comparative analysis of municipal tax burden with respect to other taxes (national) paid by both natural persons and legal entities.

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Guidelines for a Business Plan for the first phase of the Municipal Transportation Service SETRAM, which will consist of the implementation of 4 semi-express public transport routes operated by a fleet of 61 buses (55 operative 6 reserve) of medium capacity (61 passengers) ). Social and Economic Impact Assessment of the SETRAM routes taking into account the environmental, social, anthropic and impact on mobility. Socioeconomic and financial evaluation of the first phase of the SETRAM, for which the social benefit derived from savings in waiting time and mobilization and savings in fuel was determined. The project was socioeconomically positive since it generates a high social benefit, however it must be subsidized by the GAMLP to guarantee its sustainability.

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Functional / Operational Design of the Municipal Transportation Service SETRAM, Wilmer Pipicano was brought from Colombia who, using the information collected by the GAMLP and through EMME software, established levels of demand, load, frequencies, fleet, speed and other aspects operations for the 4 routes of the first phase of SETRAM. Design and proposal of the collection and collection system through coins and prepaid card for SETRAM. Design and proposal of the control and monitoring system for SETRAM. The technical requirements were elaborated and the terms of reference for the tenders of the collection system and the control and monitoring system were drafted.

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Guidelines and proposals were formulated for the implementation of socio-educational measures and attention programs for adolescents with criminal responsibility, as instruments to materialize Restorative Justice as it is set out in the new Child, Adolescent and Girl Code. The document review, systematization and analysis of institutional experiences (PIDICS, QALAUMA, SUMA QAMASIÑA, CENVICRUZ, PROPOSAL MODEL OF UNICEF, CEAs and others) and similar experiences in Peru, Brazil, Italy, Spain, among others, were made. A survey of primary information was carried out through interviews with key actors, a proposal for intervention (bio-psycho-social) with a restorative approach was elaborated, proposals for programs for orientation and reintegration centers were prepared.

ProgettoMondoMovimentoLaici Latin America
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A proposal for a Post-graduation Five-Year Plan was developed with the purpose of implementing support measures and carrying out an adequate follow-up to the process of social reintegration of adolescents who served a sentence of deprivation of liberty; a situational diagnosis was made of adolescents with criminal responsibility who remain in detention centers dependent on SEDEGES and Qalauma determining profiles of adolescents with criminal responsibility through interviews and focus groups; a mapping of the actors involved in the community network was done; an institutional diagnosis of the current capacities of SEDEGES and Qalauma was made; there was a systematization of experiences in other countries in relation to alternative measures and post-prison programs.

ProgettoMondoMovimentoLaici América Latina
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The best mechanism of formal articulation of the National Network of Social Services REDNAGES was established from the analysis of the legislation, current regulations and jurisprudence as well as the competence framework. Drafts of the necessary documentation were prepared for the management of legal personality and the critical path to be followed was established.

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Development of assumptions and methodologies for the economic and financial evaluation of the Public Expenditure Efficiency Support Program, with the purpose of quantifying the impacts in the improvement of the generation of resources and / or in the recovery of public resources, as well as in the saving public spending, building a cash flow and calculating profitability parameters (IRR and NPV).

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Preparation of the Strategic Financial Plan (PEF) 2011-2021. Institutional strengthening. Analysis of expenditure levels by protected area and strategic area, analysis of sources and financing commitments. Elaboration of projections in various scenarios identifying needs and financing gaps. The PEF contemplates a new co-management mechanism for protected areas with the participation of community organizations in these areas.

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Preparation of the project cycle of the National Watershed Plan. Review of the current project cycle and preparation of proposal and approval of the new project cycle that includes (i) planning; (ii) identification; (iii) formulation -pre-investment and investment-; (iv) execution; (v) closure; and (vi) evaluation and audit. The design of the cycle includes both the technical, administrative and financial part of each project and each of the actors involved (national, departmental, municipal governments and beneficiaries). The Program is financed by the European Union within a basket fund through Sector Budget Support (SWAP).

German Cooperation for Development GIZ
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This contract was developed in two components: (i) the supervision of civil works, with the objective of achieving compliance in agreed contractual terms and quality control of ecological latrine construction works; (ii) supervision of the Community Development component, with the objective of achieving compliance in terms of time, quantity and quality of the expected results established in the Terms of Reference of the executor of the coponent, and its contribution to positive socio-cultural impacts of the communities under project.

National Fund for Productive and Social Investment FPS
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Technical assistance in the framework of the project "Institutional Strengthening for the Improvement of the Management of Public Finances, funded by the Delegation of the European Union in Bolivia, to provide technical assistance and training to the Vice Ministry of Treasury and Public Credit, executed by ACE International Consultants S.L.

ACE International Consultants S.L.
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Elaboration of: (i) manual for corporate image use; (ii) review and complementation of the current sponsorship and sponsorship manual; (iii) manual of procedures for signing agreements, agreements, contracts and other legal instruments; (iv) manual for the preparation, evaluation and monitoring of programs and projects, and finally (v) process manual for the procurement of goods and services.

VIVA Foundation
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Training of the UGP staff in Project management and design cycle: Problem tree, objectives tree, stakeholder map, logical framework matrix (MML), construction of indicators, practical guide of administrative procedures, tenders, services and supplies . Technical support to the UGP team in the preparation of the budget-program one (PP1), for the full execution of the program, accounting aspects.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EU)
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The Single Registry of Tax Administration (RUAT) was evaluated based on the five OECD criteria, a constitution document was drafted for the new entity, including the transition strategy and statutes of the new institution.

Federation of Municipal Associations FAM
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Economic Technical Study of a proposal for the modification of the tax base in the property taxes of motor vehicles. Proposal for the modernization of the parameterized table for the estimation of the taxable base for the collection of vehicle holding tax. Definition of strategy and analysis of Stakholders. Proposal of normative instruments for the implementation of the new tax regime.

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This contract has been developed in two components: (i) the social action plan or DESCOM plan; and (ii) the institutional action plan or FI / EPSA plan. To this end, participatory and inclusive activities are being implemented in order to: (i) Strengthen the development of healthy practices and the proper use of new water and sanitation services; (ii) Promote social participation and accompaniment to the work; (iii) Promote the participation of women in the community; (iv) Improve healthy practices with the environment; (v) Engage beneficiaries in their counterparts for the construction of water and sanitation systems; (vi) Commit the beneficiaries to the timely payment of fees for the services; (vii) Strengthen the technical, administrative, social and environmental management of the EPSA based on knowledge and implementation of the regulations in force; (viii) Train and provide technical assistance for self-construction, use, operation and maintenance of family sanitation solutions.

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The information was collected to prepare the study. An "Implementation Plan of the Family Group Strengthening Program in care and education of children aged zero to three years was prepared." Initial education in a non-school community family. Said Plan has the description of: (i) the Legal Mandate to which it responds; (ii) its Objectives; (iii) the target population of the Program; (iv) principles and approach of the Plan; (v) lines of action; and (vi) a Sectoral Education Program, which in turn includes a matrix of Logical Framework, with the breakdown of the respective Objectives, Results, Activities and Budget.

Ministry of Education
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The study, Preparation and validation of a Guide for the Development of Social Skills for the Social Reintegration of adolescents with criminal responsibility in the country, within the framework of the project "An Opportunity to Start Over", contemplated: (i) the elaboration of a matrix of similar experiences and methodologies; (ii) preparation of a diagnosis in which the areas / components that are necessary to work with adolescents were identified; (iii) Elaborated guide, including a Guide for the Facilitator and a Guide for the participant; and (iv) Methodological proposal for the validation of the Guide.

Save the Children
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A technical-normative diagnosis was elaborated regarding the creation and management of small and medium public-private companies in Bolivia; a proposal for a departmental law for the creation of departmental companies was prepared; a proposal of Law for the central level of the State was elaborated that incorporates in the regime of administrative systems and of governmental control of the Law 466 to the companies created by the Autonomous Territorial Entities at departmental level; a management model for small and medium-sized public-private companies was developed, which includes proposals for regulations, statutes, organization, structure and governance; A proposal of administrative procedures for the management, administration and control of financial resources of public and private SMEs was prepared.

Departmental Government of La Paz
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Design of the program "Our Forests" that allows to reduce to zero the illegal deforestation for the year 2020; for this, the following components were considered: (i) monitoring, prevention, control and sanitation of illegal deforestation; (ii) monitoring, prevention, control and combat of forest fires; and (iii) comprehensive fire management.

AECOM International Development Europe
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The objective of this study is to design an intervention strategy for the use of biodiversity, under the program of Integral Management of Biodiversity in 3 prioritized regions: (i) Chiquitanía este; (ii) Sub-Andean valleys; and (iii) Llanos de Itenez. Part of the scope of the study are: (i) Identify MMAyA products, areas and forms of intervention; (ii) Identify local knowledge transfer mechanisms; (iii) Identify opportunities that allow generating greater added value; (iv) Identify the potential of alliances and synergies; (v) Identify funding sources.

AECOM International Development Europe
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For this study, the following objectives were defined: (i) integrating hydrological environmental functions and adaptation and mitigation of climate change within the actions of FONABOSQUE prioritizing sites of greater water importance; (ii) analyze, propose and agree with the corresponding actors the inclusion of a "AguaBosque" program in the FONABOSQUE within the legal framework; (iii) contextualize and update the vision, mission and management system of FONABOSQUE, with the incorporation of AguaBosque, through a review of its Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI) and organizational structure.

AECOM International Development Europe
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A communication and dissemination plan was developed to publicize the Biodiversity Strategy and Bolivia Plurinational State Action Plan (EPAB) before differentiated audiences at the national level; The work was organized in five stages: (i) Communication component diagnosis and situational context; (ii) Audiences identification, problems determination and objectives; (iii) Visual image definition; (iv)  Means and tools definition; (v) Proposal for the materials and tools elaboration.

MMAyA - UCEP Mi Riego
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Comprehensive intervention strategy for adolescents and young people who are survivors and/or at risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation, based on the articulation of the integral models Manq'a and "Vuela Libre". Identification of the Manq'a and "Vuela Libre" models, conducting in-depth interviews with key informants, process diagramming,  preliminary strategy preparation, preliminary strategy validation with personnel from Manq'a, Munasim Kullakita Foundation and the "Vuela Libre" movement, follow-up to the strategy pilot implementation with a group of 45 female adolescent beneficiaries, preparation of training and awareness modules on gender, masculinities and CSEC, for Manq'a facilitators, students from Manq'a schools and private entrepreneurs networks

Munasim Kullakita Foundation - ICCO cooperation
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The consultancy involved: (i) Follow-up at the experience exchange process between "Vuela Libre" and Manq'a; (ii) Preparation of instruments for the intervention strategy implementation, these were: a) Committee Regulations; b) Early warning protocol; c) Module on gender, masculinity and CSEC prevention for Manq'a teaching staff; d) Module on gender, masculinity and CSEC prevention for students; e) CSEC and gender prevention module for private companies; and (iii) Final strategy proposal based on the adjustments of the validation process and monitoring the selection process.

Manq'a sustainable civil society - ICCO Cooperation
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Analysis and description of the most attractive markets to develop gastronomic businesses in the identified Chiquitanía municipalities, through documentary review, semi-structured interviews, demand survey, existing offer files systematization and tourist and commercial centers tour; collected information analysis identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, potentialities, limitations, challenges and risks of eventual undertakings in the region. Business plans preparation for the identified ventures, including marketing plans.

Plan Misiones
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Systematization and complementation of 10 proposals for the incidence in public policies elaborated from a critical reading on development and the vulnerability situation  of indigenous peoples, women and children, among others, within the framework of the project: "Adding voices, multiplying actions: the CSOs as actors in sustainable development and policies" which has the European Union support. The work was based on the preliminary public advocacy proposals made in previous project stages, in addition to the documents resulting from 13 participatory diagnoses carried out in different municipalities, 6 thematic studies and several multi-stakeholder political forums, carried out at the national and departmental levels.

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External evaluation of the Project based on the five criteria suggested by the EU, OECD and almost all international cooperation organizations: Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sustainability and Impact, as well as complementary criteria such as Appropriation Alignment with public policy, Learning and Institutional Capacity; The intervention consisted of carrying out training, awareness-raising and empowerment activities for women leaders and members of the Bartolina Sisa organization in 15 communities in the municipalities of Achocalla and Sapahaqui; Subsequently, different political advocacy actions were developed, obtaining the approval and promulgation of municipal regulations in the women's rights favour; More than thirty projects managed by the organization's women were designed, executed and closed (productive projects, irrigation, solid waste management and construction of community headquarters); it is considered a successful and replicable experience.

AYNI Civil Association
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A diagnosis of the needs of Fundación La Paz was carried out for the preparation of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028, and the projection of the multi-year budget; for this purpose, interviews and workshops were carried out, as well as a documentary review.

La Paz Foundation
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The inputs from various documents produced by the framework of the Organizational Strengthening actions of the IIADI DAC project were collected and implemented, the preparation of the institutional programmatic document was coordinated with the project managers, and the inputs from the Action Plan workshop were collected.

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Design and approval of the new districting of the municipality of Sucre (urban area and rural area), overcoming the asymmetries in the development of the municipality, seeking population balance and adequate territorial management, which guarantees efficient and effective decentralized public management, within the framework of current regulations and legal provisions. To this end, a territorial, physical-spatial, organizational and socioeconomic diagnosis of the municipality has been developed, subsequently a socialization of the diagnosis and the districting proposal has been carried out at the level of sub-mayoralties and neighborhood councils, the municipal law of the new districting has been drawn up and advocacy has been done at the Municipal Council level for its approval.

Autonomous Municipal Government of Sucre
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Description of the constitutional powers and authority to issue regulations of the Municipal Councils, of the regulatory authority of the Municipal Executive and basic principles for the formulation of regulatory proposals; development of the structure and rules for the formulation of regulations; guide for the justification of the regulation; identification of the aspects to be verified with respect to the need and viability, tax structure, constitutional principles and legal formula of the regulatory proposals; elaboration of a model of the structure of a municipal autonomous law, of a municipal decree and of an administrative resolution.

Municipal Association of Bolivia
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A situation diagnosis was made based on the analysis of the organizational structure, a process and operations analysis and a risk management analysis, for an organizational arrangement of the APROCAM Executing Unit, with the purpose of promoting efficient management of current, planned and future operations. The products developed were three: (i) a situation diagnosis and organizational proposal, which includes budgeting and internal control processes; (ii) a proposal of key flows and functions, which includes operations manuals, functions, job descriptions, communication and organizational coordination; and (iii) a capacity diagnosis and training plan proposal.

Eduardo Pando/FIDA
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A set of 13 institutional policy instruments has been developed to strengthen internal governance and ensure the sustainability of the organization's operations. These instruments, which range from the code of ethics to the risk management policy, have the main objective of aligning the organization's actions with its mission and vision, promoting transparency and accountability, and facilitating collaboration with other actors. The instruments developed will allow ACEAA to: a) Strengthen internal democracy: Through clearer participation and decision-making mechanisms; b) Optimize collaboration in networks: Establishing protocols for managing alliances and sharing knowledge; c) Increase transparency and accountability: Publishing information on its activities and results; and d) Strengthen knowledge management: Systematizing learning and generating a knowledge database accessible to all members of the organization.


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This model was developed based on the ECO2 Model, addressing the structural barriers faced by the Foundation's target population. The Model is the result of a labor market study; a study was made of business demand and the recovery of the Foundation's trajectory within the framework of the inclusion of socially disadvantaged young people. The proposal of a system of inter-institutional, inter-sectoral and intergovernmental networks was considered, where each unifying entity - such as the private sector chambers, SEDEM, the Ministry of Labor and other public sector portfolios and civil society organizations and institutions - become strategic intermediaries to contribute to changing the current situation of youth unemployment, in general, and unemployment and abandonment of young people in situations of social disadvantage in particular.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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Two municipal housing and habitat policies were developed in a participatory manner: (i) one for the municipality of Viacha and (ii) another for District IV of the municipality of El Alto. Situational diagnoses were prepared that allowed the identification of needs and opportunities in both territories, complemented by the realization of semi-structured interviews and strategic meetings with key actors, such as municipal technicians, representatives of Fejuves and municipal authorities. Regulations, bibliography and relevant experiences were systematized to support the proposal, also developing a directory of key actors and promoting collaborative agreements with Municipal Governments. As a result, reports were delivered that summarize the identified demands, define territorial priorities and consolidate the necessary inputs for the design of inclusive policies, oriented to the fulfillment of the human right to adequate housing and habitat. Likewise, the proposal for a tax reform that democratizes access to land and promotes a less extensive growth model was included.

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The design and organization of the workshop to review the Theory of Change and prioritize the programmatic strategy was developed in coordination with the UNFPA team. The workshop was subsequently attended and moderated over two days (October 30 and 31), and the main contributions of the teams participating in the workshop were systematized.

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This guide has been prepared for the Comprehensive Prevention and Protection Program for Girls, Boys and Adolescents (PPPINNA) of the Departmental Service of Social Policies (SEDEPOS) dependent on the Autonomous Departmental Government of Santa Cruz (GADSC). This guide is oriented to the comprehensive care of Girls, Boys and Adolescents living on the streets, focusing its implementation on three main components: (i) Street work, identification and contact; (ii) Community and protection spaces, which include markets and civil society organizations; and (iii) Listening House - Living Space. This guide provides care tools for each component, strengthening the work of the PPPINNA based on the recovery of its experience and the expertise of the Munasim Kullakita Foundation.

Munasim Kullakita Foundation
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