Community development


This contract has been developed in three components: (i) supervision of civil works, which included the supervision of road improvement works, construction of a community house, improvement of the potable water supply system, provision of sewerage and recreation areas between others; (ii) the implementation of the community development component, which included training, awareness-raising and organization activities with neighborhood residents, activities with women and young people, creation of works, water, financial and prevention committees of risks, provision of sanitary modules to about 160 families; and (iii) regularization of the proprietary right, which included the completion of regularization procedures for about 40 beneficiary families of this component.

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This has been the largest neighborhood improvement project executed in Bolivia, reaching more than 570 families. It has been developed in three components: (i) the supervision of civil works, which included supervision of road improvement works, construction of a community house, improvement of the potable water and sewage system and recreation areas, among others; (ii) the implementation of the community development component, which included training, awareness-raising and organization activities with neighborhood residents, activities with women and young people, creation of works, water, financial and prevention committees of risks, provision of health modules to about 570 families; and (iii) regularization of the proprietary right, which included the completion of regularization procedures for about 40 beneficiary families of this component.

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Execution of the component of Community Development and Regularization of Owner Law "Barrio Alto Ventilla Bella Vista". Organization, coordination and implementation of participatory activities within the neighborhood, such as assemblies, community actions of neighborhood cleaning, tree planting, activities with women, with young people, adolescents, boys and girls, forming a social protection network within the neighborhood, workshops training in risk management, administration of the community house, establishment of committees, supervision of works, construction, use and maintenance of health modules, among many other activities.

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This contract was developed in two components: (i) the supervision of civil works, with the objective of achieving compliance in agreed contractual terms and quality control of ecological latrine construction works; (ii) supervision of the Community Development component, with the objective of achieving compliance in terms of time, quantity and quality of the expected results established in the Terms of Reference of the executor of the coponent, and its contribution to positive socio-cultural impacts of the communities under project.

National Fund for Productive and Social Investment FPS
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Implementation of a pilot project of Community Hours in the Santiago de Lacaya D1 neighborhood, the assessment was made of the counterpart that each of the neighbors of the neighborhood had to do to the project in Community Hours, a record was built per family, the vales "of community time for each communal action carried out by the neighbors, the corresponding registration was made, the exchange of Community Hours between the neighbors of the neighborhood was promoted, the creation of new activities within the neighborhood was promoted by the Community Hours project.

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This contract has been developed in two components: (i) the social action plan or DESCOM plan; and (ii) the institutional action plan or FI / EPSA plan. To this end, participatory and inclusive activities are being implemented in order to: (i) Strengthen the development of healthy practices and the proper use of new water and sanitation services; (ii) Promote social participation and accompaniment to the work; (iii) Promote the participation of women in the community; (iv) Improve healthy practices with the environment; (v) Engage beneficiaries in their counterparts for the construction of water and sanitation systems; (vi) Commit the beneficiaries to the timely payment of fees for the services; (vii) Strengthen the technical, administrative, social and environmental management of the EPSA based on knowledge and implementation of the regulations in force; (viii) Train and provide technical assistance for self-construction, use, operation and maintenance of family sanitation solutions.

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Update of the directory of neighborhood council leaders corresponding to the intervention areas for the Mass Registration in the nine departmental capitals plus the city of El Alto. Delivery of invitations. Production, production and post-production of institutional video. Logistics of materials transfer for socialization workshops. Realization of socialization workshops.

Ministry of Development Planning
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This contract is being developed in two components: (i) the social action plan or DESCOM plan; and (ii) the institutional action plan or FI / EPSA plan. To this end, participatory and inclusive activities are being implemented in order to: (i) Strengthen the development of healthy practices and the proper use of drinking water and sanitation services; (ii) Promote social participation and accompaniment to the work; (iii) Promote the participation of women in the community; (iv) Improve healthy practices with the environment; (v) Commit the beneficiaries in their counterpart for the construction of water and sanitation systems; (vi) Commit the beneficiaries to the timely payment of fees for the services; (vii) Strengthen the technical, administrative, social and environmental management of the EPSA based on knowledge and implementation of the regulations in force; (viii) Train and provide technical assistance for self-construction, use, operation and maintenance of family sanitation solutions.

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A survey was applied to a sample of 697 families living in 46 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, life's means and coping strategies, was complemented with semi-structured interviews with municipal technicians, community representatives and focus groups with the target population.

World Food Program - WFP
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