Food safety


The external evaluation of the project was developed applying the five OECD criteria (Relevance, Efficiency, Efficiency, Sustainability and Impact). In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with the beneficiaries of 6 rural communities in the municipalities of Achocalla, Mecapaca and Calamarca of the department of La Paz, a focus group with the project executing team (AYNI staff), and eye inspections were conducted to the equipments endowed to the peasant producers by this project.

AYNI Civil Association
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Final evaluation of the project: "Mitigation of climate change impacts on food security and water availability in Aymara indigenous communities" VASCO I, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. As part of the field operation, it was carried out: (i) preparation of Net Maps (stakeholder analysis); (ii) Informal interviews; (iii) Semi-structured interviews; (iv) Group interviews; (v) Focus groups; and (vi) Final project evaluation: "Mitigation of climate change impacts on food security and water availability in Aymara indigenous communities" VASCO I, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. As part of the field operation, it was carried out: (i) preparation of Net Maps (stakeholder analysis); (ii) Informal interviews; (iii) Semi-structured interviews; (iv) Group interviews; (v) Focus groups; and (vi) Field observation.

AYNI Civil Association
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Project baseline survey in the localities of Batallas, Huarina, Santiago de Huata, Laja (La Paz), Huancarani, Colquepata, Paucartambo (Peru) and Cañar (Ecuador). The indicators provided for the mainstreaming of productive, gender and generational criteria. Survey application following the LQAS methodology, in-depth interviews with local authorities, leaders of productive organizations and SAN experts. Preparation of sampling and information gathering instruments, training of field staff, transcription and systematization of data, issuance of reports.

Plan Internacional Inc. Bolivia
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Final evaluation of the funds of the International Appeal (Flash Appeal) financed by Sweden and Denmark and of the Stockpile supported by Sweden in the emergencies of 2008 generated by the La Niña phenomenon in relation to the following topics: health, food security, protection, education, water. The evaluation was carried out based on the five evaluation criteria used by the OECD and the European Commission.

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Preparation of study of nutritional food security situation in 26 rural municipalities of La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba, Potosí and Chuquisaca. Review of secondary information. Survey application to 1,997 households, application of the Latin American Scale for Food Security ELCSA, preparation of focus groups with producers and agricultural producers, application of structured interviews to authorities and officials of municipal executives and municipal councils.

Plan Internacional Inc. Bolivia
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Food security assessment study in the municipalities affected by the floods in early 2014 in the eastern Bolivian region, a detailed field study was carried out based on the application of 1,078 surveys in households in 25 rural municipalities of the departments of Cochabamba (Villa Tunari, Chimoré and Puerto Villarroel), Beni (Riberalta, Guayaramerín, Trinidad, Exaltation, Puerto Siles, San Joaquín, Santa Ana, Loreto, San Ignacio de Moxos, Santa Rosa, Reyes, Rurrenabaque and San Borja), Pando ( San Lorenzo, Gonzalo Moreno, San Pedro and Villa Nueva) and La Paz (San Buenaventura, Ixiamas, Palos Blancos and Alto Beni). An analysis was made of the characteristics of food security in rural households, their living conditions and the characteristics of family agricultural production.

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Evaluation study of food security in municipalities affected by the drought at the beginning of 2013 in the Bolivian Chaco region and the Southern Cone of Cochabamba. a detailed field study was made based on the application of 482 household surveys in 12 rural municipalities of the departments of Cochabamba (Omereque, Pasorapa, Tarata and Mizque), Santa Cruz (Camiri, Charagua, Boyuibe and Cuevo), Chuquisaca (Machareti, Huacareta and Huacaya) and Tarija (Yacuiba). An analysis was made of the characteristics of food security in rural households, their living conditions and the characteristics of family agricultural production.

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Food security assessment study in municipalities affected by the flooding at the beginning of 2013 in the San Juan del Oro river basin. A detailed field study was carried out based on the application of 426 household surveys in 11 rural municipalities of the departments of Chuquisaca (Carreras, Villa Abecia, Camargo and San Lucas), Potosí (Villazón, Tupiza, San Antonio de Esmoruco and Mojinete) and Tarija (El Puente and Yunchará). An analysis was made of the characteristics of food security in rural households, their living conditions and the characteristics of family agricultural production.

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Support to the Junior expert of the evaluation mission of the local economic development and food security program (PRODELSA) (13 million Euros) under the budget support modality. It relied on the systematization of secondary information regarding: (i) the associative and organizational processes of local actors and their evolution; (ii) the interrelationships and interventions with local and decentralized institutions (State dependencies, municipal mayorships, etc.); (iii) the training and communication processes of the Program; and (iv) the participatory methodologies applied in the framework of the Program.

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Design and implementation of the mid-term evaluation of the project "Food Governance in the Andean Region", consisted in verifying the progress of the Project a year and a half after the start of its implementation. A systematization of the information generated by the Project was done in the three countries, interviews with project beneficiaries, partners, local authorities, delegate of the European Union, focus groups with beneficiaries and project managers, and field visits.

Plan Internacional Inc. Bolivia
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Evaluation study of food security in municipalities affected by the mid-year flood (2015) in the north of Santa Cruz. Application of a survey to 330 affected households in 5 rural municipalities of the department of Santa Cruz. We inquired about the consumption of food, the diversity of diet, the proportion of spending on food, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The World Food Program methodology based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach was used.

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Evaluation study of food security in municipalities affected by the mid-year flood (2015) in the north of Santa Cruz. Application of a survey to 360 families affected in 5 rural municipalities of the department of Santa Cruz. We inquired about the consumption of food, the diversity of diet, the proportion of spending on food, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The methodology of the World Food Program was used based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach.

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Emergency assessment of the food security of families affected by the flood at the end of 2015 in the municipality of Asunción. Application of a survey to 366 families affected in 20 temporary shelters of 5 affected areas (Mbigua, Zeballos Cue, Lombardo, Tablada, Viñas Cue). We inquired about the consumption of food, the diversity of diet, the proportion of spending on food, survival strategies of families, among other aspects. The methodology of the World Food Program was used based on the CARI (Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security) approach.

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Final evaluation and systematization of experiences of the project "Strengthening human security of rural communities through comprehensive support for their resilience, response capacity and food security situation", also known as "Human Security", implemented by the PMA agencies , FAO and UNICEF. Measurement of the indicators one year after completing the intervention through (i) a survey of project beneficiaries; and (ii) a survey of community leaders; In addition, a detailed review of secondary information was made and in-depth interviews were carried out with institutional actors and key informants. A documentary video was produced as part of the systematization of the Project's experiences.

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This evaluation was developed applying the criteria of the OECD/DAC: (i) relevance; (ii) effectiveness; (iii) efficiency; and (iv) overall results, impact and viability / sustainability; The methodology was developed based on the following steps: (i) secondary information collection and documentary review; (ii) Start-up workshop with AYNI equipment; (iii) Fieldwork through visits to the communities for the collection of testimonies and primary information of the beneficiaries of the project; (iv) Analysis based on CAD criteria; and (v) drafting and presentation of the final document.

AYNI Civil Association
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To develop an assessment of the food vulnerability situation in two districts of the city of El Alto, including a food vulnerability survey on 680 families, characterizing their main social, consumption, diet, food spending and survival strategies. The study advances the defining of a methodology aimed at measuring WFP CARI approach institutional indicators in peri-urban contexts.

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A food safety and vulnerability survey to 1.200 families application, anthropometric and hemoglobinometric measurements in 2.400 girls and boys from 6 months to 10 years, baseline elaboration of availability, access, consumption, diet diversity, sustainability in food consumption, nutritional status and other indicators, in total 89 indicators for an intervention area and comparison area.

Rural Development and Lands Ministry - FONADIN
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Final evaluation of the project "Food security and irrigation water in 6 La Paz Altiplano communities", executed in the Mecapaca, Achocalla and Calamarca  municipalities, in Jucuri, Pasto Grande, Ninacho, Kella Kella, Totorani and Bajo Yanari communities, using the approach suggested by the OECD for this intervention types, based on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact criteria, with gender mainstreaming perspective; the project had a total cost of 106K euros and benefited 1,008 people.

AYNI Civil Association
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Information managing assistance to the Budget Support Expert in the Budgetary Support's evaluation of the European Union to the Colombian milky sector and the milky policy of the sector in the period 2010 - 2018

Econometrics Consultants
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A survey was applied to a sample of 697 families living in 46 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, life's means and coping strategies, was complemented with semi-structured interviews with municipal technicians, community representatives and focus groups with the target population.

World Food Program - WFP
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Carrying out (i) an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA); (ii) a Market Functionality Study (MFI); and (iii) a rapid analysis of Gender, Protection and Communication, in three regions of the country: (i) municipalities near Lake Poopó in the department of Oruro; (ii) municipalities of the Chaco region in Tarija and Chuquisaca; and (iii) municipalities of the "Multiethnic Indigenous Territory II (TIM II) in the departments of Pando and Beni; for which, a food security survey was applied to 1,406 families in 104 communities, a market functionality survey to 400 merchants and representatives of fairs/markets in 10 municipal seats and 6 focus groups with women and men separately, distributed in the three study regions.

World Food Program - WFP
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Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) applying the WFP protocol for this type of assessment (CARI methodology), in the municipality of Entre Ríos (Tarija) in communities that were affected by a large-scale flood on the night of February 20 2022. Application of a survey to 196 households in 11 affected communities, obtaining the institutional indicators of the WFP, analysis of food consumption, diversity of diet, food expenditure, survival strategies and the situation of vulnerability to food insecurity of the affected families.

World Food Program - WFP
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An investigation has been developed, based on a survey of 860 women and 721 men, on empowerment, autonomy in decision-making, economic autonomy, on eating habits and healthy living, in addition to 12 focus groups, 6 with women and 6 with men, distributed in urban and rural areas of three ecological floors (Altiplano, Valleys and Amazonia); With these data, and from the construction of logit and OLS econometric models, it was possible to identify the main causal relationships between the main gender gaps and the probability of suffering from undernutrition, overweight-obesity and double burden of malnutrition in a combined way. women and men separately and in a comparative way.

World Food Program - WFP
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A survey was applied to a sample of 792 families living in 56 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, means of life and coping strategies, was complemented with information available in the SPIE State Comprehensive Planning System.

World Food Program - WFP
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Project's final evaluation applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the intervention, field visits were made to the target communities (Tumusa, Cochiri, Colquechata, Azupaca and Chanca), collective interviews and review of the documentation and means of verification developed during execution.

AYNI Civil Association
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The final evaluation of the Project was developed in the final phase of execution, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, replicability, scalability and impact, in addition to identifying learned lessons and good practices, on the way to the execution of the second phase; semi-structured individual and collective interviews were carried out, field visits were made to communities of the Project of the 4 sub-stations where it was executed; Titiri, Queojo, Kellu Kasa and Palcoyu, the field evaluation mission was closed with a workshop to present the first findings with the participation of all interested parties in San Pedro de Macha

Tomás Katari Polytechnic Institute TKPI - Liechtenstein Development Service (LDS)
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Evaluation of the DAC Project "Dialogue and Collaborative Support" which aimed to promote that the key issues for the development of Bolivia are addressed from a democratic spirit and of shared responsibility between the State, civil society, the private sector and academia, thanks to the development of innovative solutions; in this sense, the DAC Project financed development initiatives of 49 CSOs throughout the country. For the development of the evaluation, the following criteria were considered: (i) Pertinence and relevance; (ii) Effectiveness, efficiency and impact; (iii) Coherence; (iv) Incidence and sustainability; (v) Knowledge management and communication; (vi) Prospective; an exhaustive review of the documentation generated by the Project and its M&E system was carried out, semi-structured individual and collective interviews were conducted with key informants and the target population, and field visits were made to initiatives in El Alto, Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca.

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An evaluation of the project "Contribute to the full exercise of the social, economic and political rights of 226 women leaders of the municipality of Calamarca, with gender equality and promoting environmentally sustainable productive initiatives, in line with goals 5.4 and 5.5 of SDG 5. File GN 11 1458 2020 66" was carried out considering the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, for which semi-structured interviews were applied to the project implementing team, to Bartolina authorities, to the mayor and municipal officials of the Calamarca GAM, to the technical team that participated in the project, field visits and interviews were carried out with the target population, in addition to reviewing the project documentation and the respective means of verification; The project has been relevant in socially, politically and economically strengthening the Bartolina Sisa central and sub-central plants at the municipal level, as well as productive associations, and has promoted economic recovery and adaptation to climate change in the territory.

AYNI civil association
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An analysis was made in the office of the 2023 management database of product offerers for the subsidies administered by SEDEM, as well as the regulations for the direct contracting of products for subsidies (RA SEDEM / GG / No. 137/2023) was analyzed, finally, a theoretical framework was developed regarding price setting in different scenarios according to economic theory; In this sense, the study concluded that the formula for calculating fixed prices for the acquisition of products from the different subsidies is adequate, but two adjustments were suggested, related to the homogenization of the initial data series (bidder prices) and the final calibration of the reference price, averaging it with the observable market price.

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A satisfaction survey was applied to 5,174 women beneficiaries of the following subsidies: (i) prenatal; (ii) breastfeeding; and (iii) universal for life; the survey form was programmed in KoBo and linked to a QR code, with which the beneficiary women were able to fill out the questionnaire autonomously in the same SEDEM agencies when picking up their packages; subsequently, the database was consolidated, cleaned and operated, and the results were presented through dashboards designed in Power Bi and a presentation designed in Canva.

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