The external evaluation of the project was developed applying the five OECD criteria (Relevance, Efficiency, Efficiency, Sustainability and Impact). In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted with the beneficiaries of 6 rural communities in the municipalities of Achocalla, Mecapaca and Calamarca of the department of La Paz, a focus group with the project executing team (AYNI staff), and eye inspections were conducted to the equipments endowed to the peasant producers by this project.
Final evaluation of the project: "Mitigation of climate change impacts on food security and water availability in Aymara indigenous communities" VASCO I, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. As part of the field operation, it was carried out: (i) preparation of Net Maps (stakeholder analysis); (ii) Informal interviews; (iii) Semi-structured interviews; (iv) Group interviews; (v) Focus groups; and (vi) Final project evaluation: "Mitigation of climate change impacts on food security and water availability in Aymara indigenous communities" VASCO I, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. As part of the field operation, it was carried out: (i) preparation of Net Maps (stakeholder analysis); (ii) Informal interviews; (iii) Semi-structured interviews; (iv) Group interviews; (v) Focus groups; and (vi) Field observation.
Project baseline survey in the localities of Batallas, Huarina, Santiago de Huata, Laja (La Paz), Huancarani, Colquepata, Paucartambo (Peru) and Cañar (Ecuador). The indicators provided for the mainstreaming of productive, gender and generational criteria. Survey application following the LQAS methodology, in-depth interviews with local authorities, leaders of productive organizations and SAN experts. Preparation of sampling and information gathering instruments, training of field staff, transcription and systematization of data, issuance of reports.
This contract has been developed in two components: (i) the final evaluation of the Program; and (ii) the systematization of the program's experiences. The evaluation has been developed based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, mainstreaming the gender and intercultural approach, in the framework of IWRM and MIC, while systematization has been developed taking as axis the results, objectives and end embodied in the Logical Framework of the Program. For the collection of information 321 structured interviews have been applied to municipal and community authorities, and representatives of productive organizations, peasants, originators, mining cooperatives, neighborhood associations and educational units in the area of influence of the Program, more than a dozen have been made from field visits to the project sites, 10 focus groups were carried out, an evaluation document was produced, a book-type document of the systematization, an album with 300 photographs and a documentary video of the intervention.
Preparation of study of nutritional food security situation in 26 rural municipalities of La Paz, Oruro, Cochabamba, Potosí and Chuquisaca. Review of secondary information. Survey application to 1,997 households, application of the Latin American Scale for Food Security ELCSA, preparation of focus groups with producers and agricultural producers, application of structured interviews to authorities and officials of municipal executives and municipal councils.
Economic and financial evaluation of a sample of 84 productive projects implemented in rural areas of the municipalities of Charagua, Pailón, Minero, San Ignacio de Velasco and Concepción in the department of Santa Cruz; the projects consisted of providing productive capital (productive and livestock lands), training and technical assistance to productive associations formed by local families; The methodology of the evaluation included the application of participatory workshops with the associated families, reconstruction of investment structures, costs and income.
Preparation of a Framework for Indigenous Peoples (MPPI) for the implementation of the Climate Resilience pilot program to be implemented in the last quarter of 2013, which seeks to strengthen the capacities of adaptation to climate change of the communities belonging to the Rio Grande basin Mizque and Piraí sub-basins.
Design and implementation of the mid-term evaluation of the project "Food Governance in the Andean Region", consisted in verifying the progress of the Project a year and a half after the start of its implementation. A systematization of the information generated by the Project was done in the three countries, interviews with project beneficiaries, partners, local authorities, delegate of the European Union, focus groups with beneficiaries and project managers, and field visits.
Final evaluation and systematization of experiences of the project "Strengthening human security of rural communities through comprehensive support for their resilience, response capacity and food security situation", also known as "Human Security", implemented by the PMA agencies , FAO and UNICEF. Measurement of the indicators one year after completing the intervention through (i) a survey of project beneficiaries; and (ii) a survey of community leaders; In addition, a detailed review of secondary information was made and in-depth interviews were carried out with institutional actors and key informants. A documentary video was produced as part of the systematization of the Project's experiences.
This evaluation was developed applying the criteria of the OECD/DAC: (i) relevance; (ii) effectiveness; (iii) efficiency; and (iv) overall results, impact and viability / sustainability; The methodology was developed based on the following steps: (i) secondary information collection and documentary review; (ii) Start-up workshop with AYNI equipment; (iii) Fieldwork through visits to the communities for the collection of testimonies and primary information of the beneficiaries of the project; (iv) Analysis based on CAD criteria; and (v) drafting and presentation of the final document.
Support in the preparation of specific studies to contribute to the good execution of the PAPS II program; Support in the development of the new National strategy of Integral Development with Coca 2014 - 2018; Support in the development of monitoring and evaluation systems for the Strengthening of Integral Development with Coca in the intervention areas of the ENDIC; Identification of items, productive potentials for their transformation, added value with emphasis on market links and marketing in Los Yungas de La Paz and the Tropic of Cochabamba; Identification and feasibility studies of territorial productive complexes in the Tropic of Cochabamba and the Yungas La Paz.
Survey of primary qualitative information in 8 intervention municipalities of the Plan Vida Project, in the departments of Cochabamba and Potosí, in intervention communities and control communities, through individual interviews with members of the Municipal Prioritization Committees and collective interviews with men and women participants and non-participants of the PPV; The study focused on obtaining information regarding: (i) the process of prioritizing participating communities and projects; (ii) the reasons and motives of the families to participate or not participate in the PPV; (iii) spillover effects generated by the PPV in non-participating communities.
Design, planning, organization and execution of workshops for the collection of oral traditions and ancestral knowledge with 5th grade students. Secondary year in the 13 municipalities of implementation of the Titicaca Lake Project, validation of the critical route and methodology of promotion of dissemination materials for the organization of the annual contest of oral tradition in the 13 municipalities implementing the Project; diagramming of two textbooks with the stories compiled, adaptation of 6 stories to radio format, in Spanish and Aymara; preproduction, production and postproduction of radial wedge in Spanish and Aymara; preproduction, production and postproduction of three short videos based on compiled stories; design of an application for Smartphone that allows to see photographs of the archaeological heritage in the area of implementation of the Project; systematization of the experience, following as axis the life cycle of the consultancy, formulation of lessons learned and good practices.
Final evaluation of the Project: "Harmony and Knowledge between Women and Men for Sexual Rights, Reproductive Rights and Protection", applying the evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact, by applying a survey to 1.000 men leaders and women leaders trained in the project framework and children and adolescents beneficiaries of replicas, interviews with representatives of municipal governments, SLIMs, DNAs, health services, educational units and project technic personal. The study was developed in 14 rural municipalities of La Paz, Potosí, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca, Tarija and Santa Cruz.
Final evaluation of the project "Food security and irrigation water in 6 La Paz Altiplano communities", executed in the Mecapaca, Achocalla and Calamarca municipalities, in Jucuri, Pasto Grande, Ninacho, Kella Kella, Totorani and Bajo Yanari communities, using the approach suggested by the OECD for this intervention types, based on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact criteria, with gender mainstreaming perspective; the project had a total cost of 106K euros and benefited 1,008 people.
Information managing assistance to the Budget Support Expert in the Budgetary Support's evaluation of the European Union to the Colombian milky sector and the milky policy of the sector in the period 2010 - 2018
External evaluation of the Project based on the five criteria suggested by the EU, OECD and almost all international cooperation organizations: Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sustainability and Impact, as well as complementary criteria such as Appropriation Alignment with public policy, Learning and Institutional Capacity; The intervention consisted of carrying out training, awareness-raising and empowerment activities for women leaders and members of the Bartolina Sisa organization in 15 communities in the municipalities of Achocalla and Sapahaqui; Subsequently, different political advocacy actions were developed, obtaining the approval and promulgation of municipal regulations in the women's rights favour; More than thirty projects managed by the organization's women were designed, executed and closed (productive projects, irrigation, solid waste management and construction of community headquarters); it is considered a successful and replicable experience.
Base Line of the Project: Guaranteeing the exercise of the right to a free of violence's life of women from the personal, social, economic and political empowerment in La Paz and Chuquisaca (Bolivia), for which was applied a survey to about 600 women and about 400 men over 17 years of age, in addition, individual and collective interviews were applied to female authorities, women who used care services in cases of violence, technical personnel of the GAMs and of the entities that are part of the protection system against all types of violence (SLIM, DNA, FELCV, prosecutor's office), in addition to reviewing data from secondary sources such as the 2018 Survey on the Prevalence of Violence Against Women, and others.
A survey was applied to a sample of 697 families living in 46 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, life's means and coping strategies, was complemented with semi-structured interviews with municipal technicians, community representatives and focus groups with the target population.
Carrying out (i) an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA); (ii) a Market Functionality Study (MFI); and (iii) a rapid analysis of Gender, Protection and Communication, in three regions of the country: (i) municipalities near Lake Poopó in the department of Oruro; (ii) municipalities of the Chaco region in Tarija and Chuquisaca; and (iii) municipalities of the "Multiethnic Indigenous Territory II (TIM II) in the departments of Pando and Beni; for which, a food security survey was applied to 1,406 families in 104 communities, a market functionality survey to 400 merchants and representatives of fairs/markets in 10 municipal seats and 6 focus groups with women and men separately, distributed in the three study regions.
The project "Environmental governance and consolidation of sustainable production systems in the Departments of Boquerón/Alto Paraguay (Paraguay) and Santa Cruz/Chuquisaca (Bolivia)" is financed by the Delegation of the European Union Bolivia and co-financed and executed by the Research Center and Promotion of the Peasantry (CIPCA) as coordinator of the project, OXFAM Bolivia, OXFAM Paraguay, Indigenous Procommunities (PCI) of Paraguay and Alter Vida of Paraguay. The project execution period was from January 1, 2018 to April 30, 2022.
The objective of the proposal is to contribute to environmental and productive sustainability in the degraded biomes of the Chaco, the Chiquitano Dry Forest and the Pantanal of South America as a basis to allow the population that lives in that territory, mainly indigenous people, to improve their situation. and condition.
Three results are planned at the level of achievements that take into account the common problems in the prioritized biomes, but also the specific needs and advances in each territory where the project is implemented. The project proposes to strengthen capacities at various levels (individuals, families, productive associations, leaders/managers, communities and organizations) and topics (resilient development, governance, use of technologies for sustainable production, concerted demands and proposals, entrepreneurship management) of the indigenous and peasant population, with a special affirmative action directed towards women and young people, to preserve and project the environmental values of the prioritized biomes (Rz2).
In reference to the methodology, the evaluation has been based on (i) documentary review; (ii) key informant interviews; (iii) application of individual questionnaires to the target population; (iv) interviews with focus groups; and (v) observation visits. For this purpose, 10 communities have been visited in the space of two weeks and mayors, municipal councilors, municipal technicians, members of the CAPyS, members of the beneficiary communities, members of the health centers, personnel of educational centers and to the Program coordinator team, including the technical team responsible for the infrastructure and the technical team responsible for DESCOM. Additionally, a total of 132 surveys were carried out among the beneficiary population, which served to characterize the populations and current conditions related to basic services, mainly SAP, in addition to the hygiene habits of the target population.
Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) applying the WFP protocol for this type of assessment (CARI methodology), in the municipality of Entre Ríos (Tarija) in communities that were affected by a large-scale flood on the night of February 20 2022. Application of a survey to 196 households in 11 affected communities, obtaining the institutional indicators of the WFP, analysis of food consumption, diversity of diet, food expenditure, survival strategies and the situation of vulnerability to food insecurity of the affected families.
An investigation has been developed, based on a survey of 860 women and 721 men, on empowerment, autonomy in decision-making, economic autonomy, on eating habits and healthy living, in addition to 12 focus groups, 6 with women and 6 with men, distributed in urban and rural areas of three ecological floors (Altiplano, Valleys and Amazonia); With these data, and from the construction of logit and OLS econometric models, it was possible to identify the main causal relationships between the main gender gaps and the probability of suffering from undernutrition, overweight-obesity and double burden of malnutrition in a combined way. women and men separately and in a comparative way.
A survey was applied to a sample of 792 families living in 56 communities, distributed in 8 municipalities of the departments of Santa Cruz (Charagua, Cuevo, Gutiérrez, Lagunillas Boyuibe) and Chuquisaca (Macharetí, Muyupampa and Huacaya), on food security, means of life and coping strategies, was complemented with information available in the SPIE State Comprehensive Planning System.
Project's final evaluation applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the intervention, field visits were made to the target communities (Tumusa, Cochiri, Colquechata, Azupaca and Chanca), collective interviews and review of the documentation and means of verification developed during execution.
The final evaluation of the Project was developed in the final phase of execution, applying the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, replicability, scalability and impact, in addition to identifying learned lessons and good practices, on the way to the execution of the second phase; semi-structured individual and collective interviews were carried out, field visits were made to communities of the Project of the 4 sub-stations where it was executed; Titiri, Queojo, Kellu Kasa and Palcoyu, the field evaluation mission was closed with a workshop to present the first findings with the participation of all interested parties in San Pedro de Macha
Consultancy: Preparation of a study "Digital gap: childhood, adolescence and women" in the territories of Amazonia, Chaco Tarijeño and San Lucas (Chuquisaca), applying an adaptation of the methodology that was implemented in 2008 in Spain with data from 31 countries to calculate the SIGTIC index (System of Gender and ICT Indicators), for which a survey was applied to more than 700 people over 15 years of age and semi-structured interviews were applied to specialists and local authorities to deepen the qualitative interpretation of the data.
The evaluation of the project executed by AYNI, with funding from the Basque Country, was carried out between December 2019 and June 2022, with the participation of 12 productive organizations, social organizations (Túpaks and Bartolinas) and public and private institutions, seeking to promote the implementation and construction of a social and solidarity economic development model in the municipality of Mecapaca. The methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), applying individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review.
An evaluation was carried out on the project implemented in the communities of Lluto and Sacani in the municipality of Mecapaca and Jucumarca in the municipality of Palca (both in the department of La Paz) financed by the City Council of Valencia at the request of the Mainel Foundation and executed by AYNI civil association. A methodology based on the OECD-DAC criteria was used (main criteria: Relevance, Efficiency, Impact, Sustainability; complementary criteria: Appropriation, Alignment, Institutional capacity; transversal elements: Gender approach in development, Technological factors, Environmental factors), for which individual and collective semi-structured interviews were applied, field visits were made and documentary review was carried out.
Evaluation of the project "Improving the health and hygiene of 3 rural Aymara communities in the municipality of Calamarca, through access to drinking water from a gender perspective in development" implemented with funding from the Xunta de Galicia in the communities of Chocorosi Alto, Chocorosi and San Pedro de Chocorosi in the municipality of Calamarca, for which the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), with the application of individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and document review.
Evaluation of the project: "Aymara women empowered to exercise their economic and social rights in three communities of the Altiplano de La Paz" implemented in the communities of Sacani, Totorani and Ñuñumayani in the municipality of Mecapaca, between March 2022 and June 2023, with funding from the Valencia City Council. For this purpose, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), applying individual and collective semi-structured interviews, field visits and documentary review.
Evaluation of the exit phase of the Bioculture and Climate Change Project (PBCC) implemented by Pro Rural, with several local partners (PROMETA, PROINPA, LIDER, PROSUCO, WCS, MIGA), with funding from COSUDE. To this end, the methodology suggested by OECD-DAC (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact) was implemented by conducting a telephone survey of 301 target families, semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and field visits.
Evaluation of the project "Promotion of the Social Solidarity Economy in the Bolivian Altiplano" funded by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia for a total of 108 thousand euros. The methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC (criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact) was used, for which field visits, individual and collective semi-structured interviews and a documentary review were carried out.
Final evaluation of the project "Guaranteeing the exercise of the right to a life free of violence for women through personal, social, economic and political empowerment in La Paz and Chuquisaca (Bolivia)" implemented by the Alianza por la Solidaridad foundation in consortium with the Gregoria Apaza Women's Promotion Centre, the Juana Azurduy Centre and ACOBOL, with funding from the Generalitat Valenciana. To this end, the methodology suggested by the OECD-DAC was implemented (based on the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact) by applying quantitative tools (survey of 314 target women) and qualitative tools (semi-structured individual and collective interviews, and document review).
Evaluation of the DAC Project "Dialogue and Collaborative Support" which aimed to promote that the key issues for the development of Bolivia are addressed from a democratic spirit and of shared responsibility between the State, civil society, the private sector and academia, thanks to the development of innovative solutions; in this sense, the DAC Project financed development initiatives of 49 CSOs throughout the country. For the development of the evaluation, the following criteria were considered: (i) Pertinence and relevance; (ii) Effectiveness, efficiency and impact; (iii) Coherence; (iv) Incidence and sustainability; (v) Knowledge management and communication; (vi) Prospective; an exhaustive review of the documentation generated by the Project and its M&E system was carried out, semi-structured individual and collective interviews were conducted with key informants and the target population, and field visits were made to initiatives in El Alto, Santa Cruz and Chuquisaca.
An evaluation of the project "Contribute to the full exercise of the social, economic and political rights of 226 women leaders of the municipality of Calamarca, with gender equality and promoting environmentally sustainable productive initiatives, in line with goals 5.4 and 5.5 of SDG 5. File GN 11 1458 2020 66" was carried out considering the criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, for which semi-structured interviews were applied to the project implementing team, to Bartolina authorities, to the mayor and municipal officials of the Calamarca GAM, to the technical team that participated in the project, field visits and interviews were carried out with the target population, in addition to reviewing the project documentation and the respective means of verification; The project has been relevant in socially, politically and economically strengthening the Bartolina Sisa central and sub-central plants at the municipal level, as well as productive associations, and has promoted economic recovery and adaptation to climate change in the territory.
The evaluation was carried out using the OECD DAC criteria, and placing emphasis on (i) analyzing the approaches adopted by the project in each of the three countries of intervention; (ii) evaluating the different modes of intervention and complementarity in the three countries; and (iii) evaluating the added value and impact generated by the studies and research developed within the framework of the project. To this end, semi-structured interviews were applied to key informants and the target population in the three countries, and field visits were made in Cusco - Peru.
The project baseline was developed with a results-based management approach and cross-cutting approaches to gender, violence prevention, human rights, intersectionality and interculturality; a survey was applied to 3,016 families (3,016 women over 18 years of age, 1,874 adolescents from 15 to 18 years of age and 974 men over 18 years of age) in 92 municipalities in the 9 departments of the country; structured interviews were applied to 207 municipal protection and health workers and 483 users of municipal protection and health services. Finally, a baseline matrix (MLB) was developed with its respective manual for calculating and updating indicators, and dashboards for data visualization.
The baseline study was designed based on the construction of an Analysis Plan Matrix (MPA) derived from the Logical Framework of the project. Based on the MPA, the instruments were built, with which information was collected from 219 families living in the municipalities of San Ignacio de Velasco and Concepción and from key informants at the municipal, departmental and national levels; the Baseline Matrix (MLB) was built and a comprehensive situational assessment on the strategies and policies for forest care, risk management, livelihoods and access to credit for families; the results of the baseline study were presented through dashboards designed in Power Bi
Final evaluation of the project: "Access to sanitation, hygiene, health and waste disposal services appropriate to the geographic context was achieved for 40 of 67 families in 3 communities in the Chocorosi sub-central area, ending open defecation, paying attention to the needs of women, girls and people in vulnerable situations." The evaluation of the project was carried out considering the criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact; the project had an important gender component, seeking to promote the exercise of women's right to leadership and political representation, since women took ownership of the sanitation, health and solid waste disposal projects, and through these they achieved greater recognition in their communities. Likewise, the conditions of sanitation, health and a dignified life of the recipient families were improved.