La Paz city of Skyscrapers

Por Eduardo Pando

Creado en 1 de diciembre de 2022

Tags: Mercado Inmobiliario Valor del suelo urbano Ordenanza Municipal 046/2022 ciudad de La Paz

Many times it is in the statement of reasons, and in the technical reports that support a bill, where we can assess the quality of a regulation. Municipal Ordinance 046/2022, which promotes unrestricted construction in 10 areas of the city of La Paz, presented by the...

The experience of "Community Treatment" in El Alto city

Por Marco Antonio Villarroel Peña

Creado en 4 de julio de 2019

Tags: Tratamiento comunitario ECO2 Munasim Kullakita vulnerabilidad marginalidad exclusión NNA violencia sexual comercial

Photograph taken in one of the rooms of the "House of Tenderness", a place where Munasim Kullakita Foundation provides housing for young women over 18 years, who managed to get out of the dynamic of commercial sexual violence, where they continue their process.


Freedom vs. poverty

Por Marco Villarroel es economista, especialista en preparación, monitoreo y evaluación de programas y proyectos de impacto social.

Creado en 13 de mayo de 2019

Tags: Inversión descentralización Pobreza Amartya Sen Desarrollo y libertad

Amartya Sen, Indian economist who won the Nobel prize for economics in 1998, a year later, in 1999, published his book "Development as Freedom", in which he expressed: "... development can be conceived (...) as a process of expansion of the real freedoms enjoyed by in...

Disasters natural be mitigated by nature itself

Por Pablo Fernández Wieler es economista y especialista en planificación estratégica. Responsable del área de Generación de Negocios en Gerenssa

Creado en 8 de abril de 2019

Tags: gerenssa medio ambiente mitigación desastres naturales

Several years ago, when I was talking with a friend, I asked him where he was on February 19, 2002. He told me that in the office where we were occasionally working. The office was located in the neighborhood of La Paz Bolivia, from where he saw how the streets became...


Por blog

Creado en 18 de octubre de 2018

Tags: blog gerenssa

Gerenssa opens a space for conversation about development and its challenges.

We consider the work carried out by Gerenssa as the effort of an actor that contributes to the development process in the country and in the region.

The research and studies we carry out are not only aimed at responding to the requirements of the terms of reference or signed contracts. Ou...
